100th Post Special! Find Out How Our Mii Characters Was Before!

Special post to mark the 100th Post on this Website… what an amazing journey.

Today, Team B.F.F Gamers has reached 100 posts. This now the 100th post over all to the Website. Crazy how much work has gone through the site. Still, we thank you all for the support and we hope that we continue to grow through our content we think you will enjoy for the days to come! We will also be continuing on our Regular Daily Posts and tomorrow will be another special post. Thanks for the continued support to the Team! We really appreciate that.

For today’s 100th post, we present how our Miis looked like before then! For this to work, our Fans of our Website had submitted their photos of what their Miis looked like Before and Now.

In return, we got some of the finest submissions, and only those got accepted. As for those who missed, will have to wait another opportunity to join in our Team Event. And now, let’s take a look of the submissions we have received! I know some may be laughing after this… Scroll down to see them all!

Mr B.F.F’s Mii – Young then Old!


Just very little changes, see how it’s also similar? Just that it became Old. On the face, has some smaller old wrinkles that makes the effect. The Young Mii would have Black Hair and the Old and Current Version of the Mii would have grey hair while in some games, it’s dyed in Red hair. Mr B.F.F calls the the latest version of the Mii his most favorite and is a unique competitor.

In Tomodachi Life, he looks in a Mirror and would sometimes change clothes and preview the look in the Mirror. A unique experience for the Mii as he also likes to look very stylish! The Young Mii was very simple upon it’s debut. He made his first appearances in the Wii Games a few years ago.

As time progresses and new consoles were bought, he would change his Mii so that it looks even unique and that it also fits well in some of the games played. The current Mii is Mr B.F.F’s long time and favorite appearance overall. It will be continued to be featured for the rest of the 2023 and onwards to 2024.

Quintin’s Mii – It is way different than the one he has now….


Quintin’s Mii is way different than Mr B.F.F’s Mii! What a coincidence. Back then, he uses different versions of unique Miis to play his games back then, even before starting YouTube. This version of the Mii was his one of the older Miis long before that he submitted. The hair color is the same and eye color is different. Even it does differ significantly than his present Mii.

Quintin has a few more Miis that he has which you can find on the videos earlier in 2022 which has a different look. There might be some we didn’t see but hopefully Quintin will have a chance to share a unique Mii History of his own. He even had Old Versions of his Mii that he used in Online Games as well, including the first debut with CenturyBuilder and Mr B.F.F particularly.

Mr B.F.F’s Review: It sure is an interesting submission! Just getting to know Quintin a little more with his unique Mii appearances. Mr B.F.F prefers seeing the new Quintin Mii he has on today since it’s more expressing and unique. And there is probably more Miis that Quintin had as well as he started to begin evolving through the games and content. Nice submission!

Adier’s Mii – More new information from our Team Member with his Before and After!

Source: Adier on Discord

This is Adier’s Mii that he submitted! If you didn’t know, Adier is a Team Member who has a unique personality for games. More info to come. Just take a look of these changes he made to his Mii. He also edited this himself via Picsart. Mr B.F.F really likes the picture he worked on!

He says that “[His] old Mii is much different as [his old Mii] after some changes [was his] hair as you see hair was short and [he uses] sunglasses and the smile is different.” Adier’s Mii after a bit of change doesn’t show the old smile and other change, is the sunglasses and now wears a Rayban Blue style glasses which he reflects on his Mii. The only thing he kept was the body color and the eyes and the black mole he has close to his mouth.”

Mr B.F.F’s Review: A nice submission from one of our newcomers. Another piece of submission where you get to know more of our Members with their Miis. The new Mii does add a bold update to the one it was and does look like a Mii that can updated from time to time as Adier gets older or if elements change such as the glasses which they clearly described what they have and showed it like if it was there on their Mii. Appreciate the submission, Adier.

Special: Law64DS’ Mii – Look how they are unique…

100th Post - Mii of Content CreatorPin

A unique submission and another that also looks similar. The submitter had also presented some unique information between the two Miis. Law64DS is a regular mii who plays games and stuff all around. The right hand is a Old [Clone-like] version of Law64DS. At the time, he reads books and goes for a walk sometimes.

Mr B.F.F’s Review: It’s great to hear how the Old Mii adapted to a different activity while the New Mii today likes to play games. You made the description so unique that it had to be featured in the list of four. Thanks for your submission Law64DS!

Concluding the 100th Post for today! Thanks for coming!

We have featured four submissions. Thanks for submitting all the photos we have for now. Some were submitted but didn’t make the cut to be featured. We hope the next set will be even better when we go to create another one! Thanks y’all! For the next post, will be all the special games that will we share with you. Stay tuned for that to come as we celebrate our achievements on Team B.F.F Gamers!

Thanks for reading the 100th post. We are now nearing the date of one particular event: Go check out CenturyBuilder’s upcoming 100 Subscriber Wii Sports Club Bowling Online Special Video event. A Cut-off date to message the organizer is been confirmed already.

The cut off date to message CenturyBuilder is now currently set for Thursday, June 1st, 2023. Please follow this page to check the dates, learn how to participate and more information on that page. You MUST contact CenturyBuilder on Discord to request up today as soon as possible to secure that invite!

Meanwhile, Please leave your reactions, thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. Thank you so much for supporting up and reading our 100th article! Please check out the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members linked above. We are glad you have been here with us. We’ll see you next time on Team B.F.F Gamers – for more special posts!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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