A Child Was Born in the Island! Tomodachi Life Highlights #2!

Congrats to our Team Members who made their first child in Mr B.F.F’s Tomodachi Life Island!

We got some more Tomodachi Life Highlights! Mr B.F.F checks in with our Islanders to see how they are doing. There will be some upcoming plans for this island, including the new child himself. Let’s take a look at Part 2 of our Highlights! Hope you enjoy this one.

Hope to expand the island even further as we would probably need more islanders to solve more problems. Mainly since there would be more interest in events, more funny moments can be established and everyone can certainly get along. And then later, we will have more highlights to share with you all. For today’s post, we got some historic moments in Mr B.F.F’s island being formed, some extra and funny moments and so much more.

More Tomodachi Life Highlights are in development and videos will roll out potentially for them! Additionally, some more islanders are coming in. Any ideas for new Miis on our Island, let us know by messaging mr_bff on Discord today and fill him in on your suggestions! Drop QR codes to him if you have to.

A New Baby has arrived in the island!

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Christy and S. Gameboy made their first child on Tomodachi Life! The couple recently got married, and soon in the island, they established that they will make their first child. Sooner or later, it happened and Mr B.F.F got a chance to look at the baby, on Christy’s hands.

Eventually, they named the boy, Colton who Christy says the islanders look into him having the same eyes between him and Christy. Nonetheless, it’s very wonderful to see him. Gameboy was also excited to see the baby as well. They will be taking good care of Colton as he grows up. We await to see the final appearance as he will grow up very fast.

Mr B.F.F will definitely be keeping Colton in the island as a permanent resident. He will not be traveling away from the island he’s on. He is 100% sure of the change coming in as he grows up and he will be a great addition to the island. Hope to see more islanders as well, flow in slowly!

For now, Colton needs to be taken care of well. Sometimes, he may cry but someone’s always there to babysit them. Even Christy needed to call in Mr B.F.F when ever Colton is crying. He has cheered up a couple of times and that’s a good thing. Meanwhile, there could be more children from Christy and Gameboy specifically as well. Hoping to see if happen. Mr B.F.F would be interested also.

Mr B.F.F’s Children Appreciates Their Father for Father’s Day, also on Tomodachi Life!


You got to appreciate Father’s Day. Mr B.F.F, who is a father for his children, got to take them aboard for an amazing Father’s Day. They really appreciate their father for doing some much for them. They have gotten a ton of practicing “coach-like” on Nintendo Switch Sports. Getting advice in Tennis when they needed it the most and so on. They got sharper in games so he brought them along in Team B.F.F Gamers for an incredible ride.

If it wasn’t for Mr B.F.F, they wouldn’t be what they are doing today. Sometimes, things can be bumpy but they always love each other. They took a few family photos, to save their memories all together. Christy is the oldest of the children while her younger brother Jack, loves his father as well.

Occassionally, Mr B.F.F visits their apartments time to time to see what they are up to. They also hang out and do some activities as well, to make their day. We await what we see them do in the near future and that the kids make their return to other games very soon.

Some crazy moments happened as well!


There are even more dreams on Tomodachi Life! Unbelievable moments and funny superhero fun. There will possibly be a compilation video of some of the Unbelievable Dreams collection. All of which will be uploaded to Mr B.F.F’s Archive channel. For the Superhero Dream, the lessons and advice are very funny. While the Macaroni and Cheese strain continues to threaten the island and they need the islander’s help. What does the advice have to do with the problems in hand???

I guess people will enjoy a cup of tea and watch the superhero stop the strain from happen. It’s just a dream though! Laughing out loud for sure! It did make Mr B.F.F, Macaroni and Quintin laugh when they heard about the funny superhero joke. Oh my goodness!

OK, what else is there to a few more moments today?

In other news, the game uses the front camera where you can take some unique pictures. In this case, they took a picture of a Frog for a photo shoot and even got him on Camera for a Nice Photo although the expressions were straight up happy.

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Christy holding a picture of Frog.

Meanwhile, in other events, the islanders even got around for a chat session in the Cafe. The boys were doing a nice job of presenting jokes, even encouraging themselves to be responsible at a reasonable time. Good lessons to give for the islanders of Mr B.F.F’s own island!

What else could we think of? The islanders make a ton of problems and we will be presenting them on the next post of this small series. And remember kids, only you can prevent burnt marshmallows. We need to solve a few of these problems too. We will be checking them out soon! Stay tuned for another post for Tomodachi Life then!

Thanks for reading todayโ€™s article post! Visit the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and chat there as well. Please leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below and tell us what do you think of Tomodachi Life. If you want to look at part one, we have it supplied right here! Feel free to tell us what you think of that as well!

Featured Author/Member: Christy Cookie

Christy Cookie is an editor for Team B.F.F Gamers. She has scored a -13 on Wii Sports Club Golf - 9 Holes Classic. She is the daughter of Mr B.F.F who has helped her become a unique and blazing player on Wii Sports Club and Nintendo Switch Sports. She also plays other games for fun and loves to read books and newspapers.

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