Aiming to Return Soon – CenturyBuilder Has High Hopes

Slowpoker set to return Late-May/Early June for more Wins

It’s now May. April was a different month for most Team Members as they were decently busy. As the Team Members were busy, one decided to take a much needed break from WSC. In this case, it was Slowpoker and Star 10 player CenturyBuilder. And now, he is going to make a Return.

CenturyBuilder may have been busy but he is not out of the field. He recently announced to Team B.F.F Gamers all set to return to WSC Bowling Online later this month. In addition, he’s planning on doing some Nintendo Switch Sports Bowling as well. He is currently a Star 10 Pro Bowler and has not played a game for four weeks since he was featured in a Live Stream. There are still a few more players recently that have took on the popular Bowling 10-Pin game. In that field also included first time players for which Quintin and Mr B.F.F have dethroned recently.

Meanwhile he has posted the video that he encountered with his fellow Team Member Gameboy. In addition, also including the Live Streamer they faced off that day. Their name was Adam who was a content creator of their own YouTube channel that is successful. The video is available to view on CenturyBuilder’s YouTube channel and the full thing on their streamer’s channel. We’ll link it. More videos to be released as he posts them time by time.

His previous video didn’t fare well, which was the match with donjuan which he defeated the Star 7 player with another Perfect. Though the video is up as it should, CenturyBuilder is looking upload more as he continues to grow his YouTube channel.

Reflecting on his stats as he makes a Return…

How has CenturyBuilder breezed through so well? And meanwhile, CenturyBuilder has not yet played 100-Pin or Spin Control which he can’t fully play yet. And then, he has a Spare Pickups score of 1950 points which he also made a video for. He is always known for never missing but what is his win rate? You now can see it for yourself. He has won 73 out of 87 overall games online.

That converts to an 83% win rate. Why such a number if he does not miss, not even once or twice? That’s because he has experienced times when his players disconnect. This, which would lead to CenturyBuilder being booted off the game as well. Disconnects out of the game will not count towards a user’s win rate. CenturyBuilder is close to playing 100 games overall, but most importantly wants 100 wins. We will see how he will do when he returns.


In the next part of this post, we want to take a look of some interesting games coming up to be posted next. We will also look some interesting moments that will also happen in WSC onwards.

His videos have yet to show what he had done before his break!

As said from a previous post, his previous appearances on WSC did happened 3 weeks earlier, when seven first time players took went in the Online Game and tried to win over the Slowpoker, for which CenturyBuilder managed to win over them all.

During the larger trend of a Live Streamer playing WSC caused increased interest to play WSC and follow the streamer what he plays. This led to an uptick of players trying to join in. As up to four players can join one lobby, other players get put into other lobby that also needs a full room.

In that trend, for which in the first time in a while, he got a full room, including Kyle McKay, who was featured in a video made by the Slowpoker. He got one YouTube creator and one fan of the streamer who was trying to join their lobby. CenturyBuilder got that player, though they disconnected during the last frame of the run. He got a Perfect Game in the end. Three Players remained active all the way to finish the run. We can share of a screenshot of that game! Stay tuned to CenturyBuilder’s YT channel to see it come out as he makes a return there to post!

Featured YouTuber appears in this game. Stay tuned for its release!

And then, another player makes headlines in the Online Game!

In another game, there is another player who had Japanese Characters in their username! We do not know what that translates it to but we’ll show an image of their player on screen. They had strikes but missed frames through out so they were not able to catch up to CenturyBuilder who had another Record-Breaking consecutive 300 game win. Another player in the books as CenturyBuilder wins against this opponent in the following game. Please make sure to stay tuned with CenturyBuilder’s YouTube Channel to see the brand new video when it comes out!

Who do you think is this player? Stay tuned to find out.

More returns to come in other WSC Sports…

Quintin is looking to see CenturyBuilder do golf once again. As said to Mr B.F.F in a meet, he was discussing a potential return for CenturyBuilder to play on that sport. We’ve heard it, CenturyBuilder heard it and he will be ready when he is. Both Quintin and CenturyBuilder have both tied, following CenturyBuilder’s upset at the last moment. They have 1 win each after a rebound from CenturyBuilder that made him win. You can check out the game here. Quintin is also looking to rematch against Macaroni in Golf, following a loss six consecutive times. The Team will share updates when it comes out on that rivalry.

We expect to see CenturyBuilder return to a strong form as he does not miss once. He is to be seen later in the coming weeks. For now, if you like what’s going on, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. Interesting what anyone will have to say about CenturyBuilder’s performance. He recently three friend request on Discord so that is some interesting news. I’m sure that there will be some consultation sessions so that they can become Pro Slowpoker Perfect Players as well. Feel free to add CenturyBuilder on Discord to know all the basics. His tag is

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

2 thoughts on “Aiming to Return Soon – CenturyBuilder Has High Hopes”

    • Thank you, Mr B.F.F. Been a while since I have not talked to you guys in Discord. I will make sure to come visit when I get the chance to do so.


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