Amazing Two Shots and -13! NSS Golf Highlights (02/21/2023)

Incredible Performances pulled off by Quintin and our Runner-Up Mr B.F.F! Here are today’s NSS Golf Highlights you will find shocking to us! Yet the best performance overall from Quintin as well, as he dominates with a -13! Check it out! Today’s Online Game also features Discord Server Member, AmazingSonic2019.

AmazingSonic2019, also known as Davion has made some wins over our players in a few games, but how well will they do in golf? We have all the moments from the game and he has yet to prevail if he wants to win in that sport. Let’s check it out. After a breeze of previous game including the Highlights from the Live they had, they kicked off the game with a fresh new round of 9 Holes Classic with three players taking the field. All players managed to pull off a Birdie in the first round. Let’s view more in the Short and Brief Highlights.

It takes a Hole in One to Take The Lead: Highlights

It was only then until Hole 2 where our players had a chance. Davion strikes first, but goes wide into the Rough. Mr B.F.F managed to approach the hole and Quintin was the one who truly got lucky. He played a smooth and clean Hole in One shot where he took the lead over the Team Member. Keeping the hype and the lead in hand, the Top Two players take it on Hole 3 where they both managed to Eagle within going to Hole 4, with Quintin hanging on the lead. Davion on the other hand, kept going as he was 3rd following a Par and another one again.

The focus was now aimed towards our long standing rivals, Mr B.F.F and Quintin who have been practicing several times, especially on WSC. It only took two holes for Mr B.F.F to start losing his grip in his swings. He had to face an intense putt in the 4th, following the landing of the ball far away from the hole, but had hanged on to the green which would be a more grueling thing to experience because you can’t use the other clubs but to putt. Taking a flag shot would also be took risky if he was on the Fringe or Fairway in the end. He had to suffer a first Par following a missed putt for which he didn’t turn a lot in his practice swings.

Hole 5 saw a balanced and positive route for our three players. In this particular hole, Quintin and Mr B.F.F positioned themselves to route a potential Albatross. Davion was stuck in the middle of a row of trees, but he would rebound to get close to the Hole. Our Top 2 Seeded players managed to route the ball into the green for which they had an Eagle chance. Quintin was the very closest, who almost got an Albatross moment. He finished with an Eagle once after. Mr B.F.F promptly had a Chance for Eagle as well but missed a crucial putt from a slope in which he would still finish with a Birdie. Davion finished with a Birdie on that hole as well.

Continued Performance in the Next 3 Holes:

Meanwhile, our players took their scores into Hole 6, there were no struggles for all players as they managed to bring it in the Green. Quintin almost had another amazing shot pulled off but with a Backspin. They managed to all Birdie. Leading into Hole 7, they had to choose whether the shortcut was a Good Idea. The wind blew too hard where they needed to play it safe. They all managed to land on the green for which they have scored Birdies and more points respectfully.

In Hole 8, players faced tougher wind going South which caused them to do a Chip-In attempt from the Green. A successful shot from Quintin lead him into scoring -10 prior to the final hole. Mr B.F.F scores a Par with a reach still in play as he retains a -8 and Davion has -+0. They would move onto the Final Hole still on the run for the Top 2 Players.

The Stunning Albatross Moment

As the players head to the final hole, in the 9th, they were thrown with a Wind of 0 MPH. All the players managed to make the shortcut, and they had a chance for an Albatross. Davion and Mr B.F.F attempted to try their shots for the -3. They couldn’t get past the intense curves off the green, but nonetheless, they were in the safe zone however. Quintin was the last to attempt an Albatross shot. His shot led to positivity and sooner or later, Mr B.F.F was able to see it happen behind him, down below which his ball went into the Hole. Hype erupted for the Top 2 as Quintin captures an Albatross. A big addition to his score, following a Hole In One on the 2nd as Quintin captured the Locked Game.

The game showing the leader, Quintin with an Albatross on the Top Left Corner.

With the guaranteed win for Quintin, Mr B.F.F finished in a Positive note, also in double digits as he needed to Eagle. With a fascinating swirl in the hole, it was a close call, but Mr B.F.F locked in the Eagle. Davion finished with a Par to finish with -+0. Quintin finishes with an impressive -13 with Mr B.F.F as the runner-up yet again with -10. The Rivalry just keeps going at a higher standard and Quintin is looking to catch a -15 in 9 Holes Classic very soon. Well done to our three players who have shown a wonderful and strong effort.

What do you think about today’s game highlights? Was it the best? Will there be a -14 potential? Feel free to let us know in the comments below and join our community Discord server. We’ll update you if we have more Golf Online games there is that we participate in! For now, check out some more posts such as NSS Online Highlights in the Blog / News section we think you will enjoy and check out as well.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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