Battle of Mario Kart 8 Collab Underway! (Highlights)

UPDATE: Full Collaboration Video is now released! View the video and Condensed Highlights here.

The spotlight shines on a new game, Mario Kart 8 and with a respected friend from Team B.F.F Gamers. Super Gameboy Master. He has made his early debut on our Discord Server, and had started out with Wii Sports Club Online Games.

The meet-up has now expanded to more games that the pair had in their collection, including today’s focus, Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U. Although a Switch Version would be planned for a Collab with Gameboy, he does not have a Nintendo Switch. For that reason, this lead to the Collab going to the Wii U. Although some parts were recorded, we have collected information from those and have summarized it to Highlights that came from the development of the Collab! Here they are.

Game 1 – just trying it out.

In an upcoming release to Gameboy’s YouTube channel, the recording is underway for a full Online Friend’s Room of Mario Kart 8 with Team Member, Mr B.F.F. During the process, he said that his video was damaged and had been messed up for which Gameboy had to start over. They had made a good amount of progress as Gameboy was clearly the dominant player. In the first round of four races – at 150cc, there was no problem for Gameboy’s driving to be in such superb form. He took three races and clutched a victory with 10 – 6 points.

Gameboy’s first slip-up and loss would be in a Random Race in “Toad’s Turnpike” for which he could not catch up to Member, Mr B.F.F. He earned that single point in the process and Mr B.F.F receives a first win over Gameboy. On the other note, the course that was randomly selected also led to Mr B.F.F choosing the race course, in hopes he makes a comeback. Some of the courses featured in the Game are Toad’s Turnpike and Twisted Mansion.

Game 2 – the comeback to get it all

In the second round, the pair began game two with the same leveled CC. Mr B.F.F utilized a strategy coming in the next round by selecting Toad’s Turnpike in hopes he can get 1st. On the other hand, he gets thrown with Gameboy’s Random Selection of courses, although he can take the course that is chosen, Gameboy’s upper hand was no match for our Team Member who took two wins in his course, bringing the score up to 6 – 2.

At the third race, it was about time that Mr B.F.F’s course was chosen, which was Toad’s Turnpike. He gave it his all and won, with the score at 7 – 5. Once he captured one win from that course, he needed to do the same race it one more time, and when the selection was chosen, and finally, he got what he wished for. Mr B.F.F brought it home after he was mildly hit by bananas and red shells. He finished with a score of 8 – 8 for which they tied and Gameboy and Mr B.F.F both received first place. Later on, following the 2nd game, Game 3 would be subsequently interrupted as they focused on other things.


Gameboy leads the trail for the preview 8 – 4. Mr B.F.F has found rhythm in one particular course called “Toad’s Turnpike”. He had received the four wins in that course. If he keeps getting the same course from the selection, he has a better chance to increase his wins. If he pulls off good wins, he will expect that moment to be captured on video. How well will the Collab on Mario Kart 8 hold up!

That’s wraps up the preview. Be sure to stay tuned to Gameboy’s channel for the Mario Kart 8 upload when it comes out! We expect the release to be coming in a few days. Feel free to leave a comment or join the Discord server for the updates as it comes. Stay tuned!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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