CenturyBuilder Begins Slowpoke Defense, One Disconnects

Win Number 78 out of a possible 92, with disconnects occurring.

CenturyBuilder has returned to the Bowling Alley and continued to display excellence when he played against three players. The original Slowpoke Player has made it’s return and still wins a ton of games to continue with the Perfect Run.

Warming up for the 100 subscriber special event, CenturyBuilder, prepared well ahead of himself just about to get a Perfect Game for the upcoming and new videos that he wants to record and upload.

We got three players who took the floor against CenturyBuilder and there were some interesting outcomes! Let’s take a look at what happened for these three games today.

The Slowpoke Player Gets Disconnected Twice

Joshua preparing for a Spare Throw.

CenturyBuilder returned with another game with Pro Class player, Level Star 1 Joshua. A new player shows up. When they meet up in their first encounter, Joshua lines up for a Straight and Normal Throw. He seems to be competent in getting the Strikes, but suddenly, he messes up in One Frame.

With Joshua’s Spare, that would make way for CenturyBuilder to take the win, as he heads for a Perfect Game. He overtook the player and is about to make it for the 300 score. As Joshua lines up for his shot, it misses and gives him 9 Pins. He throws it off the gutter and it misses as well. He gets an open frame.

But as the miss happens, the game freezes, which lead to a disconnection. Both CenturyBuilder and Joshua were booted off and they refound each other for another game. Very unfortunate that CenturyBuilder lost a Win for the play log, he wanted to try again and get at least one.

The Second Attempt…

In the second game, all seemed good with Joshua pulling off a good strike streak. CenturyBuilder still had not hesitation after the disconnect but kept going in rock solid form. During the run, Joshua had unfortunately missed again which caused his perfect chances to fade. He missed twice and recovered with a Spare but once again the game froze before CenturyBuilder was able to proceed, as a result, they were both disconnected from the game once again. Rough.

After the second disconnect, Joshua did not return for another game as that paved way for a Returning Player to take their chances. Alex has returned.

What happened in that game?

CenturyBuilder had to easily win against him. Alex went for some unique curved shots and some gave him a Strike and some were misses. CenturyBuilder was able to take the win after getting his perfect game in a fast manner like Alex. It was another victory for CenturyBuilder as he played with a good friend, a friendly rival in the next game we should say.

Alex’s Throw in the Online Game.

A Game With Macaroni Mii once again!

The Slowpoke Player with MacaroniPin

CenturyBuilder partnered with Friend and Rival Macaroni and noticed he has improved over the last few games. Their previous game was an Online Tennis Game in which Macaroni had emerged victorious for two games. He received Level Star 1 as a result of his performance. You can read the story in this article here. There is also a full video recorded by CenturyBuilder of the match up you can watch here. The video is unlisted for now as it will be upload publically in a different date.

Meanwhile, CenturyBuilder requested a game of 10-Pin Bowling Online after the game of Tennis. With CenturyBuilder definitely getting a Perfect Game in the Process, Macaroni had to be ready for the Perfect Game as well. Macaroni Mii sets himself up using the Slowpoke Method. It seems to be working, while CenturyBuilder had no hesitation and aced it all the way. The position was a little off to the side, but Macaroni would eventually pushed on and get all 12 strikes to claim the Perfect Game.

They both tied for the Perfect Game and 300 for their scores. CenturyBuilder has praised Macaroni for the improvement he has well earned and practiced for. Saying that he will be a great Slowpoke Thrower once he gets the full grip.

Conclusion and What to Expect Next…

Meanwhile, other players such as Mr B.F.F and Quintin have been using the slowpoke and that they maintain the throw for a strike very well. Quintin has sometimes missed the slowpoke shot and has counted against him when it comes to the score. Quintin does get plenty of Perfect Games but misses a few games when it’s his opportunity.

Mr B.F.F on the other hand has not yet slipped with the shot. He is also breezing through the shot without the Wii Remote acting up in the process. Mr B.F.F extends his Perfect and Winning streak and has not yet lost a game weeks following his last lost.

He will continue to look for players once a while to build upon his streak. As for CenturyBuilder, he will be looking for more players, in a tricky situation. He needs to find time to play, and that there are not a lot of players on his time frame usually. Hopefully he will be finding more players to record some videos on.

Reminder that you may also participate!

Also important to note that, we’d also like to remind you to check out CenturyBuilder’s upcoming 100 Subscriber WSC Online Special Video where YOU can participate with the Slowpoke Pro! So far, a cut-off date is now being considered for the next few days! There are plenty of messages sent to him and the final three draft players are being made! Follow this page to learn how to participate and more information on the upcoming Page! Contact CenturyBuilder on Discord to request your invite today.

Thanks for reading today’s article post! Please leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. Tell us what do you think of these Online Games today. Don’t forget to visit the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members. By the way, you may also arrange an Online Game Meet Up with CenturyBuilder, something to note.

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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