CenturyBuilder Does Golfing! How This All Happened!

CenturyBuilder starts his golfing campaign to a satisfying and positive start

Our leading Team Member, CenturyBuilder has all of the Wii Sports Club sports available to him. So far, he has been adapting to a Perfect Life in Bowling. What if he took the test and start off in WSC Golf? Let’s take a look at his new beginnings on WSC, especially in Golfing! He was Level 2 prior to starting his Online Golf Career as well as setting a new record on 9 Holes Classic. He did try golf before but did not established records at the time.

Although other players have a goal of establishing performances in one particular sport, CenturyBuilder believes that other sports can be looked at from time to time. This is because everyone should try something new, but choosing what we want to do with our time productively with the games we play. He was soon convinced after Mr B.F.F played several online golf games on WSC too.

What Sports did CenturyBuilder experienced?

As said, he already had access to all of the sports as he came into WSC and his Bowling Career. In his early days, he tried Tennis with his own controller and it would soon shake out of control. That shaking was assumingly, not normal for a regular swing but it does behave when it reacts to the Swing. He ultimately lost to an exhibition match to Macaroni Mii, but would score 1 point in the process with the awkward swing, that Macaroni couldn’t catch.

CenturyBuilder also participated in a Online Test Match of Baseball. His fellow Team Member Mr B.F.F shocked the Slowpoker Legend with an Out of the Park shot during his Run. He also helped Mr B.F.F reach Pro Class by giving him a Rank of Level 10 which he was one game away from claiming it. CenturyBuilder also lost in two Baseball games as a result of his unfortunate misses and strikes. He let those losses not put him away as he continues to be a Slowpoke Legend in WSC 10-pin Bowling Online.

Finally, golf… Here’s what happened.

CenturyBuilder's Early Days GolfingPin

Finally he got his experience in Golfing. Unfortunately, he didn’t enjoy the controls than his first try. He was stuck and couldn’t even proceed to swing the ball once in the first hole and was stuck regardless, even inputting motion failed to do something. Later on, eventually, he fixed his controller until he could finally swing the Golf Club. Now he somewhat enjoys the visuals and the experience and wanted to practice hard for which he surprisingly delivers. Following that, he would then give a unique nickname for this sport. Calling himself the Focuser in Golf, while being nicknamed the Slowpoker on Bowling. Let’s see what happened further on with this sport then.

What happened in Golf?

CenturyBuilder started off in 9 Holes Classic and began his Local Game there. He had no trouble whatsoever when he needed the Tutorial. He aced the first two holes in a focusing manner. After that, he captured an impressive Eagle Long putt on the Third which tested how he will get through Hole 4. CenturyBuilder balanced the act to get the Birdie on the 4th but missed another Eagle on the 5th after hitting the ball to hard. With 2 more Birdies, he breezes through Hole 7 and then gets a good Hole Placement for another thereafter.

It was only then until. CenturyBuilder finished his first 9 Holes Classic run with a flourish as he nearly captures an Eagle putt from a slope in Hole 9. Although he powered it too much with the 5 Iron, it was good enough to give him 2/4 Eagles. He finished with a final score of -11, immediately clinching a spot in the Top 5 and dethroning Diddy and Jonathan’s -10 score. He is in 5th position running behind Macaroni, Legendary Gamer and Mr B.F.F. Great golfing, CenturyBuilder! As a result of the Game, it was praised as CenturyBuilder had a perfect streak of Birdies going on this game! Surprised of the outcome by his fellow Team Members when he shared the result to the Community Discord server once after!

Golfing to a -11 for CenturyBuilderPin
CenturyBuilder gets an impressive -11 in 9 Holes Classic Local.

Top 10 in Golfing – Leaderboard (9 Holes Classic)

Position Name Score
1. Quintin -14
2. Mr B.F.F -13
3. Jonah -12
3. Macaroni -12
5. CenturyBuilder -11
6. Diddy -10
6. Jonathan -10
7. Ryan -9
7. Dj -9
7. quintin (2) -9
The Community Contributed WSC Golf Standings from our Friend’s List as of 03/24/2023. View the Golf Leaderboard here.

Show us the Online Golfing Games. You vs. Quintin.

Of course. Team Members, CenturyBuilder and Quintin has faced off in Golf online under CenturyBuilder’s request. The pair played in 9 Holes Classic, the long running and easiest course that Mr B.F.F and Quintin played on for months. CenturyBuilder Started off strong not missing Birdies in Holes 1 and 2, but both missed an Eagle on the third. They remained tied as Hole 4, 5 (with a Birdie) and 6 showed no problems. In Hole 7, both players play it safe, but however CenturyBuilder outlasted Quintin after he missed a Birdie putt, that placed him in the lead momentarily. No issues on Hole 8 once after.

CenturyBuilder soon fell into the Water Hazard which would break his long running Birdie Streak. Quintin immediately Birdied to win. CenturyBuilder was attempting to complete the Birdie Streak for the second time but in an Online, only falling to the Water Hazard. Not only the String was broken, CenturyBuilder suffered his only Bogey which then appeared on the scorecard. The Final Tally was -8 to -7 with Quintin winning, shocking the new Team Member. CenturyBuilder asked for a second game once after. There was some issues with the controlling including the zoom in of the map and the Banter being broken and not showing up.

The Turning Point in Game #2.

Following the unfortunate and shocker in the 1st game, CenturyBuilder continued to bring his focused form to get Birdies and this time an Eagle on Hole 3. He would miss a Birdie putt on Hole 4 for the pair to continue the tie. So far, a satisfying game! No issues on Hole 5 and meanwhile in Hole 6, Quintin’s 2nd shot caused him to do a long putt for which he misses. With that miss, CenturyBuilder manages to break the lead once again.

Truly is a close game and no one was able to break in Hole 7. Hole 8 would soon be a turning point as Quintin does a strategy of his own for which he converts. He drives it slowly up to the green and carefully chips in for a Birdie. They tie after CenturyBuilder missed a putt for which he takes a Par as they head into the Final Hole.

We now head to Hole 9, the last hole! What happens…..

In Hole 9, they both managed to drive over to the shortcut route, especially for CenturyBuilder who suffered a loss over his under powered swing to the water. Quintin under swings his 2nd shot behind the green while the Leader went over it. It was CenturyBuilder’s turn to take his 3rd shot and does the unthinkable. A DRIVER FLAG SHOT. He manages to break the shot so well that he would guarantee the win, while Quintin could still tie it.

It was then up to Quintin to decide his fate in this round, he has got to get the Chip/Putt in for an Eagle as well or Miss It. Quintin ultimately missed his Third Shot Putt for the Eagle on the 9th after a tough slope was too good to handle. As a result, this would give the Slowpoke Master his first ever win over the Star 10 Team Member. This was indeed, praised and is called a definite comeback after falling to his loss, despite two pars and one par over Quintin and that CenturyBuilder calls it a game where there were more mistakes from Quintin than the previous game. There were indeed issues in form from Quintin more than CenturyBuilder’s focusing style and that really adapted in the second game as he could have won the first game if not for the Water Hazard in Game 1.

Conclusion of the Online Games……

Their Head-to-Head score is now 1 – 1 (tied) as the pair will be expecting to break it with a Win in their next encounter. While form issues did occur for both, they expect that to be an important aspect to look at as the scores were close for both games. Satisfying Golfing, once again for CenturyBuilder. Quintin is also expecting his 7th rematch to win against Macaroni Mii in the same Course Online since his only win against the Six Time Champ in December 2022 as Quintin is really doing his best to reach out to him.

Game No. Score Winner
Game #1 -8, -7 Quintin
Game #2 -9, -8 CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder had to admit that it was a fun experience and that it was nice to see reactions flow in the Community Discord server as he enjoyed the aspect of the Online in Golf. He will look into doing more Online Games of Golf in the near future.

How well will CenturyBuilder continue to hold off in Golfing? Let us know in the Comments Below, join our Community Discord server if it continues to happen. You also get to chat with us and make an online game arrangement just like how we’ve done it. Hope you have been enjoying what we posted from our Highlights. Anyways, see you next time for the next article!

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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