CenturyBuilder Tries Out Wii Sports Resort Bowling!

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The Professional Slowpoker takes a try on Wii Sports Resort Bowling.

Not only just WSC but CenturyBuilder is also capable of playing Wii Sports Resort Bowling for the first time. Let’s take a look on how the Slowpoker does his Perfect Game there on 10-pins. Why did I mention Perfect? Because CenturyBuilder NEVER MISSES. Here’s how the Perfect Game all unfolded.

What do we know about CenturyBuilder? Well, you know all about our Slowpoker now and he has made several contributions on our website. You can find all of his Blog Posts on his Member Room here. His posts include WSC Bowling and content around Slowpoking his way to a perfect game. The YouTube channel, CenturyBuilder posts on is still growing to this day and has posted the video seen on this post that you can watch.

You may be asking, how did CenturyBuilder get the game? (Just curious).

Quintin has asked CenturyBuilder whether he has Wii Sports Resort. He answered No. Insisting that Wii Sports Resort could actually increase his content ideas and potentially reach, He decided to go on a Road Trip Mission. Recently as well, CenturyBuilder got his hands on his disc copy of Wii Sports Resort at his local thrift store for $2! What was the motive for him to get it in a place like that?

Well, while looking at YouTube channels, Mr B.F.F made a community post months ago about his copy that he got, from his Thrift Store he went to! He actually had to drive to get to the Thrift Store, according to what Mr B.F.F said where he needed to go in response to the questions sent to him. His copy was valued at $3! Shocking but still cheap! CenturyBuilder had the same interest by what he saw and as soon as time permitted, he managed to do the same thing in his Local Thrift Shop by all means ethically, all for $2. Which means, that meant CenturyBuilder got the finest deal than Mr B.F.F’s $3 value! Still, he now owns a legitimate copy of Wii Sports Resort and his fellow Team Members are happy for CenturyBuilder.

Mr B.F.F getting his $3 copy of Wii Sports Resort.

How well did CenturyBuilder do in WSR Bowling?

But what about the content? CenturyBuilder thought that Quintin’s suggestion of WSR Bowling could be a benefit and his addition to the slowpoke. Will he be able to do Slowpoke frequently just like he did on WSC? It’s up to CenturyBuilder to maintain that Motto of “Never Missing”. It would only be true until you see what happens then.

Anyways, let’s check out on the main story of this post. As soon as CenturyBuilder made it through, he needed a Wiimote Plus which was covered and he does have a valid controller. He found his own way of playing the game and began with only BOWLING and NO OTHER sports for the time being in which he played a standard 10-pin game as usual. He seemed to like the layout compared to how the Classic Bowling area in Wii Sports looks like including the announcer.

What’s happening now with the Slowpoker as he played?

Of course, he can’t do the Slowpoke the way he did as the physics differ from WSR, compared to WSC. The ball can sometimes drift from the left or right too much and strictly depends on the balance of the Wii Remote. That’s what CenturyBuilder saw as he was trying to get on with the Slowpoke. However, his run still goes perfect as he manages to convert 8 strikes so far and is ready to record the last four.

As he goes on to Record the last four, he hopes that the recording process doesn’t damage or lags on his video. No hesitation for the Slowpoker as he manages to capture a Perfect, although the shots were close to failing. He gets the 300 Perfect Game for the first time on Wii Sports Resort Bowling. After the game and reviewing the video for which it had no problems, it was then approved by CenturyBuilder, which was then posted to YouTube for a short amount of time! Quintin immediately praised him for doing it on WSR and the fact that the slowpoker is still alive and he can capture a 300 in a different game! He left a comment. When Mr B.F.F sees the video, we are sure that he will praise the game done by CenturyBuilder too.

Final Thoughts. Any more suggestions?

We already have mentioned that classic Wii Sports Bowling can be in talks for content, but Quintin’s content idea strategies have proved more than valuable for our Team Members, but will this video get the views, CenturyBuilder will be looking to get? Will our Content Strategies adapted play well in our success in the Team? Shout-out to Quintin for the wonderful thoughts and we really appreciate them.

What will be next for the Slowpoker? Can he do it on Wii Sports? Most likely, it will be more harder than the other games due to the Motionplus controls not being implemented before the newer games in the Series. We will update you when the Wii Sports Bowling video may happen.

Do you guys like Wii Sports Resort? If so, drop your opinions of this game in the comments below and I’ll respond to them! Don’t forget to join the Community Discord server for all the live updates there. We’ll go ahead and see you next time for the next article post here.

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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