No Hesitation! CenturyBuilder Wins Perfect Game With No Troubles At All

Updated with a video:

Yet again, CenturyBuilder had no struggle whatsoever to capture another Gamebreaking 300 Perfect Game on Bowling. He is known for scoring perfect and defeating big names such as Alex, Gameboy, Quintin, Mr B.F.F, Macaroni and many others but let’s dive into how CenturyBuilder clutched this win against, newcomer to him, Munson who is a Star 4 player. However, due to the new era of WSC Players taking a shot on Bowling Online, mostly from the popular demand the game had potential before, Team B.F.F Gamers team members have been encountering first time players and have been winning over them with 0/1 wins being recorded on each respective player data. Today’s post circles around Slowpoke Legend @CenturyBuilderWiiU who has been making Perfects and Perfects all over again. Let’s view how he did in two separate games.


In another encounter with Munson, BuilderMan showed no problems in form to beat him. He walked away winner once after and let Quintin give him the floor to play with Munson again. By the way, Quintin was trying to help Munson achieve Star 5….. Has BuilderMan encountered first time players? Of course he does! He never held back this when he encountered Level 1 and first time player Mum take the stage. Although it did seem easy, it was. Mum took some clear shots and get some points to start off her experience rank, while CenturyBuilder had no problems in form getting another Perfect Game as the Superstar Class player wins once more.

Victory for @CenturyBuilderWiiU over Munson, with a perfect 300 game.

BuilderMan has utmost respect for his first time players he’s encounter of the course of his beginnings, stating that “Everyone gets a slice of the pie when they first play. They may not get it right the first time, but with practice, they should be able to succeed in their form as they progress. It’s an honor to play with someone I never encountered before and have a good game and sportsmanship like a normal person in real life, including sports.”

@CenturyBuilderWiiU captures another Perfect Game against Rookie Mum in the 2nd game.

Many reasons to keep going in good form……

Whilst Team Member, CenturyBuilder enjoys playing bowling and has thousands of reasons to continue on, BuilderMan has expresed interest to play the other sports in WSC such as Tennis and Baseball. Recently though, he feels that it was unfair for the system to lock players to the closest level in Tennis Online. Since the Tennis Online Game limits players based on their Ranking, he is unable to face those who have made Pro Class until he reaches a certain level. Unlike Bowling, everyone is able to participate based on their ranking regardless. CenturyBuilder hoped that there was change to it, but however to due to running lifecycle of the game, and nearly the end of Online Support for WSC, there was no hopes that an update will happen.

Tomorrow is another day where you can have a chance to encounter BuilderMan in WSC Bowling. We wish you luck in attempting to find him in Bowling Online. If you want a clear frame of when he is online, you are always free to add him on the Wii U. Our treat to you. ForestBuildings05 is the NNID. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out BuilderMan’s social media profiles, his Team Room and leave a comment on our Discord server and the comments below! See you for the next game update!

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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