CenturyBuilder’s Friend Game Online! 10-Pin Bowling

Finally released: CenturyBuilder’s 100 Subscriber Special Game with Friends

It is now released. CenturyBuilder’s 100 Subscriber Special, and Friend Game was a success. To celebrate some nice accomplishments of CenturyBuilder’s YouTube channel, he made a special video with Friends. A drop-in event, friend game where you can get your chance to play with CenturyBuilder. They played 10-Pin as usual where CenturyBuilder can master in.

Look at the Highlights that covered all from this special event. There were also several players who expressed participation but did not make it through. Team B.F.F Gamers was there to ensure success happened in the Friend Game, and CenturyBuilder and his team brought a great game in the end.

For the participants, Mr B.F.F and Quintin were willing to commit to the event, but CenturyBuilder wanted to open the door to other players. It was clearly understandable. JrBagel and Surrey expressed interest but did not consider it at the end. Other members included Bowling King but did not respond in time. Team Member Adier was the first to confirm his participation for the event for which he was accepted.

CenturyBuilder invited Trevor, his best friend in the event for which he took the second spot. S. Gameboy, who had tons of interest would eventually be invited after no other player had interest. That made up the three players in the event, with CenturyBuilder being the host of the event. They made the arrangement on the event and agreed on a date. Running on a friend room. Let’s take a look at the Highlights now.

1st Game, Seems to be Starting Off Strong in the Friend Game, but a disconnect…


In the first game, they warmed up. They found all four players with no troubles and the Friend Room went on. The game finally started out but with bumps along the way. CenturyBuilder had a little trouble getting his set up started after the Controller sticked to the right but was quickly fixed by moving back. He brought in the slowpoke shot and didn’t miss at all as usual. Confidence in motion for CenturyBuilder. S. Gameboy had practice coming into the game and it started to show! He also followed CenturyBuilder on the number of strikes he can get.

Both Trevor and Adier were doing what they could to get strikes but they missed their opening frames. Nonetheless, they are just having fun because they are about to be featured. Meanwhile, CenturyBuilder had to multi-task on the setup while doing the slowpoke shot. There was significant lag on the recording that CenturyBuilder requested a second chance for the video to be done correctly as the recording he made was damaged.

Soon as the lagging was too much, the game was unsynced on CenturyBuilder’s end, causing it to disconnect all four players in the room. They had to take another shot for the recording to be done right with another game.

Second Game is a Success! Game Completed! Some interesting outcomes and thoughts.

Friend Game Final ResultsPin

They had to try again after a mess up that occurred. With another game in sight, the players are hoping to up their game this time in the new recording. CenturyBuilder continued to show no hesitation in his slowpoke and that his set up was working.

No more distractions are needed for the Slowpoker himself. Trevor was trying to get some strikes for which he got some. S. Gameboy does miss on the third frame and it did affect his score. He was on a roll on the first game and then somehow, lost a bit in form to score two spares, bringing a total of 239. Trevor was also watching in on the fun as well! He scored 191 in the final with a variety of shots that allowed him to get some strikes.

Adier showed much surprise in the second game by pulling off the Slowpoke shot just like CenturyBuilder. He only missed one frame on the way to getting the Slowpoke for an epic eleven times. He scored a 290, the second best score overall in the 2nd Friend Game. It even shocked Mr B.F.F who is also a Slowpoker Thrower as well. He managed to nearly get a Perfect Game with it. Only he had the first frame. But still nonetheless, shocked Mr B.F.F, including CenturyBuilder.

Conclusion and Thoughts of the Game:

There was some positive reaction from the outcome of the full game that was recorded. CenturyBuilder enjoyed the game that was recorded, praised Adier and his fellow players for joining. Although they had a rocky start, they breezed it through for the second game where they got good scores overall, almost similar to the first game where they did disconnect.

S. Gameboy had enjoyed the game but was not too confident that he would get a good score. He has rock solid performance on the first game but had a dip in form for the second game. Gameboy was not too happy with the performance he got since he felt that 239 is a bad score, than he would usually get. He is not in total full agreement on the overall thoughts.

CenturyBuilder encouraged him to be happy, and that they were playing for fun and that S. Gameboy is honored to be in the special video. He certainly agreed with that. Trevor also enjoyed the game, maybe there will be something for him in Bowling in the near future, we wish him all the best.

Adier was happy about the wonderful second place outcome. Since he did the slowpoke, he even had confidence after the game to score a 300 Perfect Game on Local and shared it to CenturyBuilder and Gameboy. It was also praised as well for his great slowpoke throwing performance.

Willing to join the next game in the future?

Maybe there will be more videos like this with Friends in the near future, so if you didn’t participate, there’s always a chance to join in another game with CenturyBuilder. Be sure to stay tuned to CenturyBuilder’s YouTube channel, subscribe and turn on post notifications so you don’t miss out on those.

If you want to view the video of the 100 Subscriber Special with Friends, you can click this link here to watch the video right now! Thanks for tuning in and reading this post!

Hope you enjoyed reading today’s post!

Please leave thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. Meanwhile, More Wii Sports Club Highlights once again is coming! More Wii Sports Club posts from the past can be accessed here. And then, please visit the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and arrange Online Games with us, linked in the text. Meet you again with yet, more Highlights to come then.

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player – Level ★ 10 in Bowling.

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