Christy and Her Brother to Join Team B.F.F Gamers!

Mr B.F.F’s Friendly and Busy Children willing to join the Team in an occasional manner.

Welcome back to Team B.F.F Gamers Association. Today is a really exciting day as we plan to announce two more official members to join the line up of Team B.F.F Gamers. We now welcome Christy and her brother “Old AJ, “Jack” Jr. to our Team! They will be receiving a fresh treatment and their perks for being on the Team such as Highlights, the foundation of our Content being dedicated to them such as when they play Online Games but will not be more prominent as they have turned down being a more featured Team Member listed and as such, will be featured occasionally.

Welcome aboard! How did this start?

We now have our first woman, Christy join us on the Team and we hope we bring in some of the awesome moments we have from her to present on the Team’s Content Page. For now, the pair will be heading to play on WSC Golf or Bowling and on Switch Sports Online as they may soon be finding themselves playing with a talented group of players as well.

The pair have made their debut when they were born in Tomodachi Life in Mr B.F.F’s island that created both Mr B.F.F’s son and daughter in a smart and fantastic way. They each became a permanent resident on their island and now, they have been a regular edition to Mr B.F.F’s family, and friends. They finally became part of the Team B.F.F Gamers Association when both members was called in by Mr B.F.F to accept the invitation and get started with a few practice games online. In reality, they were on Tomodachi Life for 3 whole years now and had their own Nintendo Network IDs before since Mr B.F.F had them as friends.

What games are they playing now……..

Newest Team Member, Christy went well on her way to playing Switch Sports Online using the Trial Mode for her first time. She won an easy CPU game of Tennis with a score of 7 – 1 and won on Golf with 48 points, surprisingly she dominated with a first Hole in One! Surprising, isn’t it? She will be looking into practicing more before heading into a whole new opening of Online Matches. As for Jack Jr, he will play and practice with Mr B.F.F in many different games to get himself going for the real thing.

You can see the proof of Christy getting Hole in One here? Mr B.F.F pretty shocked to see that, praised Christy after she shared that to him as the golf shot she got, came out of nowhere for sure. Mr B.F.F would be surprised if he saw Christy get a Albatross on NSS or even an amazing shot on Wii Sports Club golf too.

Christy with her Hole in One score claimed.

Any ways I can reach out to them?

Unfortunately, you cannot reach out to them at this time. We can still provide highlights from the pair when they play out in games and you have still have a choice whether you like to friend them. They won’t be too active as they are needing some privacy and will only be seen occasionally in our Website and sometimes they will assisting us in the Production of the content and the Team. They also don’t have Social Media accounts such as Discord because they won’t be talking on that frequently. Rest assured, we will post Highlights when the pair is active and able to play, in addition to Macaroni Mii and CenturyBuilder’s regular post schedule.

As mentioned, blog posts and highlights are to be featured whenever they like to play a few Online Games! In addition, that we will be able share the Highlights of what happened then! They currently do not accept requests to play with anyone at the moment. If you do get lucky and find out newest Team Members, they will be able to play with you and Switch Sports could be the hardest place where you can find them, to be honest.

Conclusion of the update:

Moreover recently, we have suggestions for other big names and people to join the team. They appreciate our effort we put in our content but they feel that they are not ready to become and member and that we establish our group better before they consider joining us. Here at Team B.F.F Gamers, there is no enforcement in our invitation process. Anyone can join us if they are interesting and show excitement to our Team!

There has been talks to have Quintin join us on board. What do we know about this awesome content creator and friend? Quintin is currently active on Discord recently and is posting on YouTube at a normal pace for which we can invite him to join us as he also posts some Online Games occasionally. However, at this time, we and Mr B.F.F have not yet fulfilled/reached out for an agreement and invitation on the American for which he has some interest but who knows? Only time can tell before he accepts the invitation to join on the Team. We’ll let you know who else will be able to join in once they accept it.

Meanwhile, both our newest Team Members had their hands as they also managed to claim their Bowling Gold Suits on Switch Sports too. They will now be busy for the week or two so we will focus on getting some content before we can priorities with our busy Team Members who needs to work hard for now. Until then, I’m sure we can handle this week with some awesome games to come!

Thanks for reading…..

What did you think about today’s post? Feel free to comment down below and welcome our brand new Members of our Team and we’ll send it over to them! If you also want to join us as a valid Team Member, you can write to us and find out on how you can receive the special member treatment and perks from us on this page here! Don’t forget to include your In-Game Name, Social Media channels and any game preferences you may have. Also join the community Discord server for more updates until the next article is released!

Featured Author/Member: Christy Cookie

Christy Cookie is an editor for Team B.F.F Gamers. She has scored a -13 on Wii Sports Club Golf - 9 Holes Classic. She is the daughter of Mr B.F.F who has helped her become a unique and blazing player on Wii Sports Club and Nintendo Switch Sports. She also plays other games for fun and loves to read books and newspapers.

5 thoughts on “Christy and Her Brother to Join Team B.F.F Gamers!”

  1. I Love it! You gotta like it when more people are joining us and I love it definitely! Hope to see more good and impressive moments happen with both Christy and Junior for sure!


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