Christy Begins Her Switch Sports Pro League Run in Tennis

Christy has a 11-4 standing in her debut games

It’s time. Christy begins her endurance in Tennis as she qualifies for Pro League and begins her Ranking mission. It was also her debut in Nintendo Switch Sports as she has not played any online games coming in. She’s eventually going to complete the Pro League for the rest of the sports, but she’s focusing on one. That is Tennis, a fast, simple and easy all around game.

For starters, for those who do not know about Christy, she’s a careful and sometimes competitive player. She made an achievement by winning a first Online Friend’s Room game in April and debuted on Team B.F.F Gamers as the 6th member along with her brother. More info there. Meanwhile, she began an Online Global Journey to climb up her Rankings. She’s currently got one in Tennis and there’s still six sports to go. Let’s see what happens.

Christy’s Run to Pro League and Beyond…

She breezed through her first 6 matches before getting invited to play in the Pro League. Christy had no hesitation when returning in the swings and the points. The players were easy to get through and that it will only be interesting when she progresses.

When she got invited, she debuted as a Pro Ranked player and immediately took on a C player. That had no trouble either as she won the game, only dropping two points. She begins to earn experience points as well.

She began a first lost after losing to Pat in the round with the Final being 2 – 6. Christy surprisingly only got two points in the round after Pat’s grueling hits from both the front and back players made it a hard one. She also had to adapt on the conditions of the Grass Court which made it even worse. The grass court is known for picking up speed when it bounces. She accepted her first defeat ever, snapping a 7 consecutive match win streak. Although her streak was broken, she needed to put her head in the game.

Christy once again gets Pat but plays in the Standard Hard Court. Noting that his swings can change since the speed is now slow to adapt to, Christy made her move. She went ahead and delivered a wide, but in the line swings that got Pat moving.

Christy continued to mildly slip on Pat’s tricks but overcame it but focusing on the quality of the shots. Her errors and mistakes are what makes it harder for Christy to see it through. She managed to overcome Pat hitting in front and that she played the swings wide enough for Pat to miss. Even took risks clipping it right on the line.

As she makes E+ Rank…

Christy delivers it once more on Match Point where it’s done. She avenges her loss and defeats Pat to a tune to a better celebration than last time. Christy does win a few more matches before losing a close game 6 – 8, saving a Match Point but failing to save another. She also lost that particular game on Clay but couldn’t get the feel of the return that time around. Just have to keep the cool as she does and keep going positively.

She had too much outs to deal with and couldn’t make a comeback swing again. Christy lost twice to a Two Human Player match as they defended hard in front and back. She could not fool or break the rhythm of her Doubles Players. Still requiring that she had to win one game to rank up to E+. Going again but with a different doubles match, she did managed to see through the players and continued the strategies that she learned.

It delivered and she finished off with a Strong Win. She finally ranks up to E+ Ranks in response the the positive outcome she had. Way to go! She is now climbing up her Ranks slowly but she will get there.


The game also explains that there will be tougher competition indeed. Christy will soon be facing her harder opponents yet, based on noting the four losses she had. She ended off with a High Note, with just the four losses recorded Globally so far. Christy will seek to practice in Friend Games with Mr B.F.F and play on Local Games which she can build upon what has been learned already.

Concluding thoughts and what to see next….

Christy was pleased about today’s outcome and that there will be more challenging matches along the way. It will only take time for her to get their when she reaches her father, Mr B.F.F’s A 26 Ranking. She will have to breeze to a unique journey to get there. Meanwhile, she has participated in other sports, such as her opening golf game with the CPUs.


She will commence in other sports, including Bowling and Volleyball as well. There, she will also seek to be invited the Pro League and build her rank as time permits. In additon, Christy will continue to play in Friend Games with fellow players, Mr B.F.F, Quintin and Adier where she will practice in a variety of sports. They recently did a Session all together and there will be Highlights for that coming up. Stay tuned for them!

And what about Christy’s brother? He will be playing occasionally with Mr B.F.F for the time-being. He is giving cheers and wishing Christy all the best of luck on her grind, and so is Mr B.F.F as he also made a return to Switch Sports earlier this week. Highlights of Mr B.F.F’s Switch Sports plays will come out as he continues his May Session for a 2nd day. Now even tough competition will sure commence.


Meanwhile, how will we do in Switch Sports as we see through the new week? We’ll let you know as they come out. More Switch Sports will be on while Christy’s on her run to the top. Drop your thoughts and feedback in the comments below and join the Community Discord Server. Thanks for sticking around, we will see you all with another article soon.

Featured Author/Member: Christy Cookie

Christy Cookie is an editor for Team B.F.F Gamers. She has scored a -13 on Wii Sports Club Golf - 9 Holes Classic. She is the daughter of Mr B.F.F who has helped her become a unique and blazing player on Wii Sports Club and Nintendo Switch Sports. She also plays other games for fun and loves to read books and newspapers.

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