Crazy Performance! Double Digit Wins in Golf!

Mr B.F.F sees wonderful and excelling Golf performances back to back

Today, the unthinkable happened. Mr B.F.F excelled way above his expectations in Golf when he began his first ever face off against Newest Team Member Adier in WSC 9 Holes Classic Online. This was the best performance for Mr B.F.F following days of WSC Problems and decreasing interest to the game, but still wanted to comeback after Quintin challenged Adier along with Gameboy. That sparked Mr B.F.F’s return to Golf Online which was done with 2 different players, including Mr B.F.F in that list.

We got the two best games with the Top and 2nd Top scores for the day! On the run, he held a perfect Streak of Nine Birdies and Eagles in the one of the games! Way to go, Mr B.F.F! Let’s start off by presenting these golf highlights for today!

Golf All The Way to a Near -13 Win (-12 Score)

Adier made his Head-to-Head debut against Mr B.F.F for the first time in Golf! (See Main Image Above to see the outcome). Their first ever meet-up was an interesting one as Adier was a Level 5 player coming in. As Mr B.F.F went onto to Birdie his way, Adier had a struggle in form. He failed to get the right putts in. He knows that he is able to putt so well but his Wii Remote broke down during his Online Game so he did not do well than he did. Adier wants to improve as he takes his Strokes into play. Though he pulled off a few Chip Ins. Adier’s performance fell down after he tried several shots with the Driver missing and going OB. He was forced to give up as a result of his misses.

Mr B.F.F had a good play on the holes due to the Winds mainly assisting the score to be below Par. As a result of the winds, Mr B.F.F has went on to dominate the Birdie Streak and has went on to claim a positive score. He never dropped a Single Birdie en route his -12 run. On the way, Mr B.F.F suffered one slip which was a Hole 7 miss for Eagle after Adier did a Chip In the Proper Way. That unfortunate miss costed Mr B.F.F a chance for a Perfect 4/4 Eagles and -13. Though it’s not the first time our Members have been denied a -13. Quintin also missed his Hole 9 for Eagle to get -12, against Mr B.F.F and OG.

As mentioned, Mr B.F.F finished with a -12 in his run with 3/4 Eagles. He praised the game as the best score made in a while, following the Game with Quintin and OG where Quintin did the same. The Party didn’t stop yet as Mr B.F.F was looking for more fun as they played Round 2. Adier also demanded a rematch following his upsetting score of +13. You can see that story down below…

Add Wii Kyle! Still the 2nd best score!


Wii Kyle (Jonathan) makes a return, following his break from WSC and on Social Media! They both challenged Adier and Mr B.F.F to 9 Holes Classic as well. Adier, Mr B.F.F and Jonathan played in that order. Starting off in Hole 1, missed putts results in a Par for both Adier and Jonathan. Mr B.F.F was the only one to Birdie. Hole 2, saw Wii Remote issues for both Jonathan and Adier which they both scored without Birdies. Mr B.F.F saw his continued for with an Eagle on the Third and Birdie on the Fourth.

Both Adier and Jonathan scored an OB but Jonathan bounced back to save from a Bogey early in the game. Adier used the Driver and overdone his shot to Give Up in Holes Three and Four. This knocked him down, staying in 3rd place. Both Jonathan and Mr B.F.F got a Birdie in Hole 4 after landing on the green. Jonathan’s clean shot gave him an approach to the Hole. All players made a positive score in Hole Five where Mr B.F.F Eagled and Jonathan and Adier Birdied. The only best hole in this game. Hole 6 saw Adier get a Bogey after his continued Driver attempts. Both Jonathan and Mr B.F.F got a Birdie and a Par respectively to continue their runs on a positive note.

Hole 7, we find Mr B.F.F and Jonathan scoring another Birdie, Adier on the other, doesn’t stop going crazy with the Driver and Gave Up for the Third Time. In Hole 8, a near missed putt and touch caused his Birdie Streak to end for the first time, but still had a -11 chance. Adier with more plusses being added to his score.

In the ninth hole, Mr B.F.F continued to score well by making a long putt, barely landing in the Hole for an Eagle. He finished with second best score of -11 for the day. Jonathan finished with a -1 with an exit to the Online Games for now and Adier with a disappointing +27, a worst score ever in his WSC Online Run so far.

Running Thoughts and Conclusion:

As mentioned, this was Adier’s Worst Performance and Score ever made so far. Team Member, Adier is hoping to improve better despite his Wii Remote and Swing gave him much troubles. Meanwhile, Mr B.F.F praised the games for being it as the best two scores made in a Single Day. -12 and -11 is something to be proud to carry in the Online Game Scores, but there is room for -13 and -14 to be claimed. Until next time, then.

What did you think about today’s performance! It was a strong one for sure and gives Mr B.F.F full 100% wins over Adier in their Head-to-Head! I recommend you check out his YouTube channel for more content as he releases them! Don’t forget to comment down below and check out our Community Discord Server if you would like to play with us! For now, please take care of yourselves and we will see you next time for another post! See you next time and have a great night!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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