Dethroned in Boxing, First 2 Losses in Tennis, Best Bowling Game Overturned, and More

Summarizing a recap of today’s encounters with Pro Class player Gameboy Master who has Career-Highs of โ˜… 6 in Tennis, โ˜… 7 in Boxing and โ˜… 10 in Bowling respectively. Today, Gameboy has reached out to Team Member, Mr B.F.F to play a round of Online Games. With Mr B.F.F having the most wins of the Sports played today in his favor, let’s check them out.


Level โ˜… 10 Player Mr B.F.F arranged a online game of Tennis in a Best of 5. Following some premature lags in the game, he has conceded his first ever loss to Gameboy right in the first game, ending his undefeated WSC Tennis status for the year and ending what would be a long winning streak. However, the loss did not make him appalled as he would bounce back to win the 2nd game and would lose in a close 3rd game respectively. He would rebound with two more wins to seal a 3 – 2 deficit despite the losses that is now written. Sorry!


Level โ˜… 10 Players, Mr B.F.F and Gameboy took the roads and played on the 10 Pin and 100 Pin Games. In the 100 pin segment, Mr B.F.F and Gameboy took their own methods to success, with both of them securing Double Strikes. Only after misses that brought them down under, Mr B.F.F decides to play the secret strikes which happened to work and bring him to victory. If Gameboy had used the secret strikes as well, he would have followed Mr B.F.F’s footsteps if he decided to falter into open frames in the round.

During the 10 Pin Game Segment, Level โ˜… 10 players, Mr B.F.F, Quintin and Gameboy along with Level โ˜… 8 Player Kyle McKay head towards hitting the high numbers. Mr B.F.F had no problems whatsoever once he has used BuilderMan’s slowpoke tactic, no problem for him! (except for when the pins nearly hit each other.) Quintin has also managed to cut through the Strikes by throwing it faster than it should have. Spot on, Quintin! Gameboy utilized the same strategy as Quintin but as soon as he missed a Pin in the frame, his chances of getting Perfect have faded. Not only the slip, but it would fall from his own hands because as he misses and misses, he would concede the 3rd place position to Kyle McKay who had rebounded after the two first frames. Way to go, Kyle!

Results of the Online 10 Pin Game.


And finally, to wrap this up we have boxing. The YouTube video is courtesy of Gameboy. Level โ˜… 1 Player, Mr B.F.F makes his Pro Class debut in boxing. Gameboy seemed to do well but slipped in the first round after nearly taking in much damage as Mr B.F.F did. With that, he conceded the first round win in the Decision Process.

Second round was considered a great rebound for Level โ˜… 7 player Gameboy as he had no hesitation whatsoever, to beat Mr B.F.F in 2 Rounds, with a Knock Down in his favor. He had claimed the win over him in a 2 – 1 decision in favor of Gameboy. With the win, Gameboy praised the Online Game calling it, “his personal favorite so far”.

What experiences or moments have you had with Wii Sports Club lately? Let us know on our Discord Server or share it with us in the comments below.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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