Driver Challenge Record Defeated! How It Happened!

Mr B.F.F dethrones Quintin’s Driver Challenge Record for the first time

Latest UPDATE: (April 24th, 2023) – Mr B.F.F has reached a new record once again of 743.9 points.


We got some more interesting scores and short Highlights in Wii Sports Club that happened today. We got some Golf Records and those who saw it attempts to break it. This time, Mr B.F.F and Quintin replay a Classic Game of Driver Challenge, the Training Mode on Wii Sports Club! We got lots of details to cover around what happened. Without further ado, let’s check out what we have for today on WSC!

Mr B.F.F breaks a Record in the WSC Driver Challenge!


It all began when Mr B.F.F was in a Google Meet where he saw Quintin play Chip-In Bingo. He saw a unique strategy where he putts the first shot into the middle small yellow square. Mr B.F.F went on to play the same Training Mode as well but didn’t score well than his previous shots he made.

He did made a new record of 186 and bumped himself up to 7th place, thanks to the four squares and that it gives more points. During the Meet, Mr B.F.F wanted to take on the Driver Challenge for fun, and so he decides to do it. One, to beat his record of 613.5 and to possibly overtake Quintin’s 688.0 score.

Now taking on the Driver Challenge with Mr B.F.F!

He finally takes on the Driver Challenge. The first attempt, he carefully swings his Driver through the pole in the 10 circle. He gets 100.0 to start off. This would go on, with careful consideration of the Wind. He hits the 10, four more times to see see 500.0 points already scored. Mr B.F.F would have to be careful at this point as he is nearing his record. He swings with a much more intense wind pointing West which gives him another 10 with an 8.8 for a 588.8 points.

He carefully aligns a shot so good next score that he gets a Personal Best, he reached 634.0 points in the Process. It was only then, that he would dethrone Quintin’s record as soon as he lined up an impressive shot with intense East Winds. The camera angle showed and immediately hit the 10 circle, which gave him a TON of points. By getting the 10 on 7.7, he surpasses Quintin’s 688.0 record and reach 700 for the first time.

Mr B.F.F was immediately in shock as he beats Quintin and that he overheard the reaction on the Meet. Quintin is in shock as well. He said, “No way! You beat my record on the First Try”. Indeed it was a first try for Mr B.F.F as he suddenly aces it without restarting once. INCREDIBLE from Mr B.F.F who still holds a Platinum Medal on the Training Game. His next goal is 750.0 next if he can’t get 800.0. Mr B.F.F also shared in a YouTube Community Post on the Main Channel, sharing the Record Victory.

The Top 5 Rankings for the Driver Challenge.

Quintin’s Bid to Regain the Top Local Record

Mr B.F.F finished up the remaining shots to score more points which his final score was 736.8 points. Impressive showing from Mr B.F.F and that Quintin will find it hard to beat. He held the record for a day until Quintin attempts to break his record. So then, Quintin wanted to try and beat the record so he can regain No. 1 on Mr B.F.F’s Leaderboard.

In a Meet the following day, Quintin was ready to try and break it all. He had a TON of troubles with the aiming of the Driver in the first, second and third shots to get a 10. Considering the fact that Mr B.F.F had five 10s in his run, he tried to do the same but kept missing. He spent 40 minutes struggling to get all five at once, and had to restart several times. Ultimately, he had to give up after he had several attempts that failed. Unfortunate for Quintin sadly. Mr B.F.F retains his Top Spot for a second day, after Quintin’s failure to reach over 700.

While Quintin’s failed his attempt to reach the record-high, Mr B.F.F enjoyed the gameplay Quintin showed on the Meet. He even raged at times he missed the 10 circle when he overshots or undershot. He rages peacefully which made Mr B.F.F laugh so hard and so does Quintin. Mr B.F.F had a great time commentating and seeing what happened. All support for Quintin, still.

Other Reactions and Attempts:

Mr B.F.F’s successful score has not only influenced Quintin to break the record, but Gameboy also improved upon his score. He originally had a 296.8 record and scored another 141.2 points more to capture a 438.0 record. He is now placed in 7th placed in a Larger Leaderboard, coming up when it’s updated. (Info below.)

Another Team Member, Macaroni Mii made a return to come visit and play WSC to try out the Driver Challenge as well. He got three 10s in his opening shots and two 50s in the first five shots. In the 6th shot, he swings very well that he gets a 10 to make up for one, and then a bunch of 5s and 2s.

He does reach 600 surprisingly when the final shot struck. Macaroni then shared his 619.6 record to Discord to nice comments and praise for Macaroni as he impressed his fellow Team Members to the surprise. He could be next to take down Quintin. He is now 4th place as of this moment as well.

Driver Challenge - 619.6 scorePin
Macaroni Mii gets a 619.6 score in his first attempt. He’s placed in 4th in our Leaderboard.

Conclusion and a Driver Challenge Leaderboard!

Following Mr B.F.F’s success of the Driver Challenge, Team B.F.F Gamers has added a new Leaderboard where you can see the Top Players scores on the Training Game. It will be updated when we get some new scores.

If you want to submit your own score to the Larger leaderboard, you will have to fill out a Google Form on the Satisfactory Website or add our NNIDs with a message that you are a WSC player as well. Make things easier for us to check. Mr B.F.F leads No. 1 in on that particular Leaderboard. How long will Mr B.F.F hold his record? It will be tricky to improve upon but it’s doable.

And that’s another WSC post we’ve highlighted once again. Thanks for reading. Please support us and comment down below if you enjoyed this edition of the post. Also join the community Discord Server down, link is down below. In addition, we can arrange a WSC Online Game Meet Up as well. See you next time for a brand new article to come!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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