Gameboy Sees Improvement in His Golfing – The Highlights

Newest Team Member Endures Focus Mode to get the Tie with Quintin

Gameboy Master pushed on very carefully to tie with his fellow Team Member, Quintin, who they which got a -5 each. Gameboy’s successful performance has put him into a winning contention after both his fellow players had several errors and mistakes. Although he fell short, it is deemed by Gameboy as his best performance overall. This after the encouragement he got from Mr B.F.F. Gameboy’s focus gave him a clean game without getting a Bogey in his scorecard in the process.

Despite a couple of mistakes from the three players, they did their best to get well above their negative scores. For their wonderful performances, they will be expecting to do a little more better as they head on for more WSC games. For now, Let’s take a look at the game a little bit closer to examine their mistakes.

Quick and Brief overview of all Performances in this game.

Gameboy was the first to make the deciding order, followed Mr B.F.F then Quintin came in just in time. In Hole 1 saw 0 MPH. All players made the green and Mr B.F.F was the only one to slip with a Par as the curve was not too intense. He was promptly third at the moment. In Hole 2, both Gameboy and Mr B.F.F plays it safe with an Iron good enough to get the green. Gameboy felt that wasn’t the stuff when Mr B.F.F bantered it out! Quintin promptly got the rough meaning that Gameboy’s choice was the right and the most safest way out possible. Also noting the Wind in this hole was a factor.

Anyways, in Hole 3, Gameboy decides to play it safe and go for the Regular Fairway considering that the wind is bad. He makes the Fairway for a close safety route. The remaining players take the shortcut route. Mr B.F.F and Gameboy under hit their shots and made the Green before Shot 4. Quintin converts his putt to get an Eagle. Mr B.F.F got Birdie while Gameboy missed his first easy putt for the same. He got a Par as a result. Now, with Quintin ahead of the game, all players made the Fringe on their first shot on Hole 4. In their second shots, both Mr B.F.F and Quintin missed the intense curved putts giving way for Gameboy, the only one to convert a Birdie.

Meanwhile, while they are looking to Break Ahead for the lead….

With both Quintin and Gameboy tied up now, fifth hole saw Gameboy and Mr B.F.F on the rough while Quintin gets Fairway after taking the deeper shortcut. Mr B.F.F was the only one to 3 Wood his way to the green while Gameboy and Quintin made Bunker shots. When Mr B.F.F was up for the putt, he manages to convert an Eagle and tie with Quintin once more. Gameboy missed another easy putt but maintained his clean game with another Par.

Hole 6 saw struggles in form for the three players. First Mr B.F.F swings for a overhit for which the ball touches and bounces off the hole! Surprising shot! Gameboy under swings his way but to the green. Quintin almost gets a Chip-In Eagle. Mr B.F.F, in his third shot gets a miss for Birdie, failing to Chip-In with a Wedge on his try there. While both Gameboy and Quintin missed their putts, in return, all three get a Par on that Hole.

Hole 7 went underway and Mr B.F.F began his turn by getting in the Bunker despite the Wind going North at 20 MPH in the Shortcut route. Both Quintin and Gameboy made the green, for a chance to sink an Eagle. Mr B.F.F missed his Chip-In for an Eagle Chance while Gameboy and Quintin missed their long putts to get it. They were off but all of the players got a Birdie on that Hole. Hole 8 saw a crazy moment!

Hole 8 – Crazy Moment and Stunning Conclusion!

In Hole 8, Mr B.F.F under hits his shot slightly to miss the green. Quintin curved his shot awkwardly to get a Water Hazard as a result and the lead would be broken as a result. Gameboy was bound to make the same mistake, but when he made his shot…. he manages to SURVIVE and MOVE AWAY from the Water! His ball hits the cliff and bounces way HIGH UP to avoid the Water and Makes the Rough! This trick shot shocked the two players as Gameboy narrowly avoided the miss as well!

Gameboy makes up for his shot to get a Par after missing his second shot by putting what’s left to the hole. Mr B.F.F aimed carefully for his second shot to claim a Chip-In Birdie! At last, they all got to see a Chip-In finally pulled off in this Game after Mr B.F.F and Gameboy’s attempts to get one. Quintin gets his first bogey after missing a shot to rebound, he chipped it in.

With the Final Hole in Place, All three players manage to make the Shortcut route, although Gameboy claimed he barely made it, Mr B.F.F slightly didn’t go full power but still made it due to the heavy wind. Mr B.F.F takes the safe route to get close to the green and Quintin and Gameboy makes the Fairway. Gameboy attempts to putt for an Eagle but approaches. Quintin tried to Chip-In for an Eagle but narrowly missed, giving both players a Birdie. Mr B.F.F finished his winning game with a Flourish by delivering a well precise Eagle Putt to seal the deal.

Final Thoughts and Scores.

Mr B.F.F won the Game with a Clean Score throughout, with -8 as his Final Score. Both Gameboy and Quintin made -5. The game was praised, including Gameboy praising it for being his best game and not capturing a Bogey in any hole following his previous performances. Quintin was hoping to do better but there will be good luck next time. Well Done to our Three Players.

After the game came to a close, Gameboy Master remains in a -5 record state. At this rate, he is bound to beat the record at anytime. We wish our Team Member, Gameboy all the best of luck. You can check the running leaderboard for Golf on this page here.

So how did you feel about Gameboy’s impressive performance? How did YOU feel about all THREE of our players overall in this game? Let us know by dropping your thoughts down in the comments below. Work can be done to help him improve his score but nonetheless, he’s got a good start! For now, join the community Discord server if you like to see him there. Take care for now and have a good night.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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