Get to Know: S. Gameboy, a Master, and a Serious Player

“A unique edition to the Team. Spans towards multiple personality types.”

Welcome back to another episode of our Get to Know. So far, we have already presented a good amount of Members in this series and here’s the third member. S. Gameboy. Next up will be a few more Members we haven’t present who will also be introduced in the segment. Hope you enjoy the content of this series at the moment! And now, let’s learn more about our fourth Team Member S. Gameboy.

S. Gameboy is known for being a member of our Team. He goes by the name Super Gameboy on YouTube, and Gameboy Master on Discord. He has looked upon us to help grow his channel, play games, come up with unique content strategies and so much more. Let’s take a look at three aspects of S. Gameboy and how he joined our Team.

He joins our Server and it might have changed the course of his Community and the Support he gets!

How did Gameboy joined? He joined our Discord Server, on Mr B.F.F’s birthday, which was December of 2022, to begin a unique start and change we feel that was made for Gameboy. His first words? “Okay. I did it.” That’s what he said when he joined our server saying it’s nice getting to meet each other.

Three days later, Mr B.F.F and Quintin continued their golf grind, and Gameboy sees this. He requests that he also joins, to enter to what it was, his first game with the pair together. They began their first official Online Game together, with Mr B.F.F and Quintin in WSC Golf 9 Holes Classic. It began a unique journey to Online Games for Gameboy.

He also entered the server with a ton of experience we will explain in the other two aspects we will present. He had entered with a Level Star 9 in Bowling with a Perfect Game recorded. Gameboy would usually talk on Discord about WSC most of the time. Soon, he even follows along with some of the topics we share in the General Chat too.

As time progressed, he had worked hard to reach Star 10 on that sport. Gameboy had also begun his YouTube channel by the time he kept playing. He now talks with us more frequently, after an increased improvement for several months. He is a fine and well respected person to talk with on the server.

Also being a well respected user on the server, he has also entered Mr B.F.F’s Tomodachi Life Island to hang out there. He is currently Sweethearts with Christy and best friends with Jack, both are which, they are Mr B.F.F’s fully grown up children.

Gameboy plays a lot of Wii Sports Club Online and even likes to play with a ton of people!

When Gameboy first came to the server, he did mentioned WSC plenty of times. He likes playing it as well. And here’s what he’s truly good at. Gameboy was featured on our list of one of the most dominant players in WSC, whose Team Member is the best of the five sports. He was placed in the Boxing due to his exceptional performance. Gameboy has managed to outlast several players in Boxing, even knocking out Mr B.F.F several times, defeated Quintin, James and so many more.

Gameboy would still be beaten sometimes, losing to Camryn, even losing to Kurtis, despite knocking them down twice. This may be because of the heavy use of stamina in the game, or just how the game works. Kurtis managed to KO Gameboy in a close game before he took the loss. Kurtis was a Level 7 at the time while Gameboy had loss while being Star 8.

He also likes to play WSC in Events and Live Streams!

He also enjoys playing WSC in several Live Streams. Whenever he sees one, he is most likely to appear and have fun. Gameboy likes to appear in the videos since he likes to play WSC most of the time. Some of the events include, Bowling, Baseball. Boxing and Tennis. Gameboy may be in the mood for golf but he’ll need a ton of interest to get him going on that sport. As of right now, Gameboy is currently ranked Level  10 Player in Bowling and has been ranked as high as Level  7 in Tennis and  8 in Boxing, and  6 in Baseball.

Gameboy is even getting better in Bowling in our opinion! In a full room game with Macaroni Mii, CenturyBuilder and Quintin, he has recorded a Full House Perfect Game with the other three, making History in WSC 10-Pin Bowling Online that all four players have made the feat. The game was praised by fellow Team Members for keeping cool and not giving up. You can read the article here.

He may be serious at some point, but is always friendly.

S. Gameboy is not your average player, he can be competitive at some points. Surely, he doesn’t want to be alone or embarrassed. By playing his A Game, he increases his confidence, may be practicing occasionally and wants to be part of the community we’ve established. Why not bring him along for the ride?

You may be happy that you won over Gameboy but surely, he’s got enough heat after losing. Don’t try to taunt him, it will only get him upset. Here, good sportsmanship will come in handy. A slight slip, we would see Gameboy not appreciating how one can celebrate a achievement in front of him.

He may be different but ACCEPT the win against him and DON’T talk over it to him…

Macaroni won a game of Tennis, celebrated his feat but Gameboy didn’t appreciate their exchange at the net. That’s one element that has caught our attention. He’s doesn’t like to talk the way how he lost or an action earned by them for which that gave him the loss in an unique way and he expressed how he disliked it, noting for next time when we play against him and that proper sportsmanship is in place.

Take it for example, you lost a point you earned and they saw it, you would go crazy on that since you are close to catching up and then you expressed your feelings, that’s what Gameboy will probably won’t like if you rub it in. That’s also what happened today as well, for example. Apologies made and quickly let go of it.

It’s best to keep it to yourself and not rub it in. Don’t give Gameboy a hard time as he takes his play very seriously. Surprising but it’s personality is what makes S. Gameboy unique. In any other case, he will give sportsmanship in a appropriate way, such as a nice exchange, and Good Game. (GGs.)

End of the story here about S. Gameboy?

He’s a growing player with a unique passion. Gameboy’s got a unique personality that differs from the other energetic members out there. He need for seriousness, time, skill, understanding and all around will get him going for the content and the games he enjoys playing and doing.

We are privileged to have Gameboy join us in the Team to let him present who he is and that more great content will come from his channel, and Online Games played with us can go on this website. Feel free to check out Gameboy’s YouTube Channel and give him a sub right now.

Thanks for reading today’s article. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW: Go check out CenturyBuilder’s upcoming 100 Subscriber Wii Sports Club Bowling Online Special Video event. A Cut-off date to message the organizer is NOW SET.

A cut off date to message CenturyBuilder is now set for Thursday, June 1st, 2023. Please follow this page to check the dates, learn how to participate and more information on that page. You need to contact CenturyBuilder on Discord to request up today as soon as possible to secure that invite!

Other than that, you may leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. What did you think of this edition of our Get to Know! Please check out the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members linked above. Thanks for coming, see you all later for some new headlines to come! Until then.

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level ★ 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level ★ 2 Player in Golf, Level ★ 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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