Get to Know Team Member, Quintin – 3 Facts

Quintin’s 1 year channel anniversary was in December 2022.

In this post, we look at our Team Member, Quintin, formerly QuintinYT, now @Quintin298 who has brought in a few years of games before making it to our community.

He brought in years of Wii Sports Club scores, perfection in Bowling, high scores in Golf. Quintin also has Level Star 10 in every sport. Quintin is also one of the players who entered a 999 score in the Tennis Training Mode, Tennis Moles.

Other achievements are that he grew his YouTube channel to reach 1,000 subscribers. A great amount of viewers in his community has congratulated him for the achievement. He has also entered a highest rank of Infinity in Nintendo Switch Sports Golf, though he had rocky performances to get there.

Quintin has help Mr B.F.F’s community grow a little bit more. He has entered the Discord community, willing to help grow the server’s member count. Before coming in, Mr B.F.F had 110 members in his server.

Today’s with Quintin’s efforts, help and support, that number grew as high as 165 today. Let’s view how our Team Member, began as early as 2022 and how he’s made an impact to the present in just three facts you might have not known.

Quintin commented with a different name…

Yes, he was commenting on YouTube that Mr B.F.F didn’t know at the time. We will not disclose the name of the Channel (heavily due to privacy reasons) but has commented saying “Nice!” or “Nice shot!” on his Golf Videos. Mr B.F.F’s Wii Sports Golf videos have made an impact to those who have been doing the same. He’s been continuing on for five years and time went by.

Not only Mr B.F.F’s channel but other gaming channels who produce content, enjoyable to their audiences. Meanwhile after time went by, Quintin would immediately shift to his actual name to begin a YouTube channel, comment and visit communities that he likes.

As far as Mr B.F.F can remember, Quintin made his appearance in a video of WSC Golf Online featuring Ryan. An early appearance with Quintin as the name in February, not too long before meeting Mr B.F.F upfront to comment as well. There could be videos far back but even more than that. This is the closest the Editorial Team can find. We’ll link the video for you to watch here.

As he entered our community, he has featured other Mii Characters we didn’t see. All of those will be explained in a upcoming article being developed. Here’s one Mii Character in particular that Quintin made, coming in his debut Online Game.

A Former Quintin MiiPin
A Former Quintin Mii – first appearance in Mr B.F.F’s videos and content.

He’s the inspiration for some ideas, being an excellent player and all around.

Quintin has been helping us work on building the content our communities enjoy. As a result, we give our moral support and do the same as well. Quintin’s YouTube shorts are the main reasons how he has 1,000 subscribers on his channel.

Mr B.F.F Archive started to post some unique shorts, no further questions asked and it’s gets some views. In return, Mr B.F.F Archive also received subscribers from it as well. The channel is currently at 272 subscribers. Still going!

Quintin has also encouraged Mr B.F.F to go the distance and capture Star 10 in Golf as they were playing many online games for months. He and Mr B.F.F has played over 100 online games of Wii Sports Club Golf for several months and took a little bit to earn Mr B.F.F a Star 10 once again to his records. This after a reset that caused Mr B.F.F start from the beginning. Now look at the results after the motivation from Quintin. He’s Star 10 on Three Sports, Tennis, Bowling and Golf.

Mr B.F.F thanks Quintin for his dedication and hard work. His suggestions and support help us build what we have already put out as well.

Mr B.F.F receiving a first Star 10 in Golf, after a deletion that made him start over again.

He likes to laugh, especially Macaroni Type Jokes… :0. Google Meet and Hour Long Conversations

I’m not sure what type of antics are usually being done to make fun of Macaroni Mii. Heavily due to the part that I am Macaroni Mii? Macaroni has used to post jokes on Macaroni and Cheese but has stopped the jokes.

Mac is not here to cover too much but Mr B.F.F and Quintin does plenty of Google Meets and such to entertain each other and play games. A nice fun experience, I can’t commit on right now to be honest.

It all happened in a Nintendo Switch Sports Golf Online game with Adier and Quintin when Mr B.F.F brought up in the General Chat, “HOLY MACARONI, NORTH WINDS.” That term had a influence in the chat as they began to post Macaroni Mii jokes as well. It made them laughing. Not gonna explain why any further…. Here’s a joke, even better a Meme, Macaroni Mii posted in his early Instagram days. It still makes Quintin laugh too. My goodness.


More excitement? What else can we know here?

Not just laughing, but they also do express excitement. In a WSC Golf Game, when ever a Chip-In Strikes, excitements fills up. Some times competitive or not, they still share their excitement.

Even further, they recently commentated over Mr B.F.F’s win against two players in Bowling with a Perfect Game. They brought excitement to the house, when they reacted to Team Member Gameboy who gets a 299 in Bowling, right after Mr B.F.F’s 300 game in a stream.

He was one point away from a 2nd perfect game made in a row in Bowling, Surprising! Big Oofs as well as laughs and emotion have sure made it what’s best. Though no one was too upset about the outcomes. They played for fun, and Gameboy still won over his opponents, nonetheless. He’s happy and we are happy that he won.

In conclusion, Mr B.F.F and Quintin get along really well in Google Meets together. There, they discuss their games they are playing and plans on what to do next.

What do you think of our Team Member, Quintin? Very intrigued? Let us know in the comments below of your thoughts. More posts from Quintin are in his Member Room! Please check out Quintin’s YouTube Channel, including Links and Media Channels on his Member Room. Don’t forget to join the Community Discord Server if you want to talk to him and the rest of our Team Members. Thank you so much for reading and we will see you all next time!

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level ★ 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level ★ 2 Player in Golf, Level ★ 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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