Has CenturyBuilder Been On Recently? Bowling Highlights

Yeah, you saw that. Have I (CenturyBuilder) have been on recently on Wii Sports Club Bowling? In short, the question is, “Has CenturyBuilder Been On Recently?“. Of course, I am still active as of right now. Macaroni and Mr B.F.F has their own life events causing them to miss out on what I have been doing on WSC. Of course, you gotta love me when I do Bowling Online!

CenturyBuilder is the only member of the Team who has a running win score greater than 95% in Online Games alone. We will expect that CenturyBuilder will to see their streak to continue on and not break in an Online game due to the heavy use of the Slowpoke Method. This shot would also influence other players to try it, such as Mr B.F.F, Quintin and Macaroni Mii. All whom in which now has always pulled off a Perfect Game using the Slowpoke in unique ways. Let’s take a look at what our Bowling Master has done over the past few days online in Bowling.

What games have CenturyBuilder played so far?

We expect to see some unlisted content to be shown publically such as this game here which CenturyBuilder faced off once again but only for recorded one session. CenturyBuilder has also faced off against first time players and continues to do so. Some encounter he even faced off, those have disconnected or Raged Quit in the process. As a result, CenturyBuilder could not finish his video and seen this message as a result.

CenturyBuilder's Disconnect SignalPin
The disconnection signal on WSC Online.

This leads to the video unable to be posted before he could upload it. Significant changes shows shown that it damages his Win Rate on his Play Data. CenturyBuilder no longer has a 100% Win Rate as the consequence and the game is incomplete. Following the reflection, CenturyBuilder had felt disappointed about their outcome. With the score in light, he has no worries that the score does not reflect his ongoing Perfect Game Win Streak with the slowpoke and will continue to play, regardless of the score. He also has a good internet connection so he has no worries as well if players faces disconnection.

Another popular player was Mr B.F.F, two weeks ago. The dynamic pair of their own, would set themselves up for an encounter to be released publically sooner or later, as a video showing them capture a Perfect 300 Game. They have shared it a few times unlisted but will post it on the YouTube Channel when the time is right. Check out the Screenshot below. Both players praised the game for Mr B.F.F improving upon the Slowpoke for which he has developed a small win streak for which he is growing.

Mr B.F.F and CenturyBuilder's Bowling GamePin
Team Members, Mr B.F.F and CenturyBuilder captures a Perfect 300 Bowling Game, tying for 1st.

Any more uploads coming to my YouTube Channel?

Yes, expect some new uploads arriving at CenturyBuilder’s YouTube channel. Growing in views, heavily due to the recommended algorithm, CenturyBuilder is hoping to get some brand new unique videos featuring the Master Slowpoker himself including more Online Wins over some new players. He recently did a Spare Pickups video where he slowpoked his way to victory, however in the process, he was forced to miss after a Split Screwed him over. As a result of this, he has miss with the Slowpoke, breaking his Channel Motto, but in Online Games, he still maintains his form.

Coincidentally, a few days later, a user would do the entire Slowpoke Process in Spare Pickups without missing and manages to get it on video. This after he saw the misses that he finds unusual in CenturyBuilder’s Slowpoke Antics.

Who made the video you may ask? Quintin, of course. He has been an impressive Bowler and a Unique Master to the Slowpoke Shot but he has fallen recently over a couple of days in Online from what I heard from. But however, he has the talent to record the Spare Pickups video without missing. I’ll be gracefully proud to link it right here for you to check out.

In addition to the video featured, CenturyBuilder is keeping his idea to do a re-do video of the Spare Pickups Run, hoping to get a No-Miss Run. More ideas included will be trying a 100-Pin Pro Perfect Game with the Slowpoke for which Quintin can master as well surprisingly, making him a Platinum Slowpoke Master.

I heard that you have Wii Sports Resort coming? Update me!

Yes! I am getting Wii Sports Resort! (also abbreviated to WSR) very soon! Quintin asked me whether I have the copy but told him I didn’t. Now would be the time to get it as fast as I can, I know Mr B.F.F bought his copy from his local Thrift Store but I will try to get a copy myself as well.

Main reason for that? I will be doing Bowling with my slowpoke shot on there too! Expect the Shot to differ to the slight changes to the physics and controls made from Resort to Club. I won’t get it right as first, but as soon as I can pick up the Straight, Slowpoke Pace I always do, but on Resort, I will do better, mastering Slowpoke on two different Bowling Versions of the Series. Check me out very soon for updates regarding WSR gameplay. Since there is no Online, it will be just be a Local Game of 10-Pin Game.

And one more Yes, because it will be recorded as a video to my YouTube channel. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube channel today and see CenturyBuilder back in action when I post more Bowling videos again!

Thank you from CenturyBuilder!

So thank you guys for letting me explain what’s been going with me recently! Feel free to jot your comments down as a response to this post and check out the Discord Server linked by Mr B.F.F if you want to get in touch with us Team Members! Thanks once again and hope to see you soon for another one!

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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