Special: Looking at Concentration Training – Interesting Games and Scores #1

Mii Characters can appear on Brain Age – Concentration Training.

Yet more games are to be considered for the Team’s Collection and there’s another unique game coming to be reviewed. Brain Age Concentration Training. Yep, that game is known for it’s math, arts and letters as well as elements from the other games in the series.

In this quick and brief review, we will look at the scores and some of the training modes that are in the game. You can put up to four Miis in one game and have them do Daily Training modes, the Devilish Training, Supplemental and Brain Training modes. The Devilish Training mode is sure tough, just to note for some people as they progress through the levels in our opinion.

This post will cover one from each section from Devilish and Supplemental Modes including the Concentration Challenge. One, which will display how well our players can adapt to the Training Modes provided. There will be more articles to this game as we will spend some time reviewing the game as well. Read more down below.

Quintin has a record in Concentration Challenge!


Yep. The only mode here where you can actually focus on the task in hand. One mistake and not responding will be game over. In this game, Concentration Challenge focuses on how well you can guess correctly while staying on track as best as you can.

This can be compared to Calculations where you have to remember a question and then respond to the previous question shown before. No calculating but remembering how many boxes are displayed. This is a two-back game so players need to master 2-Back Math before they can try Concentration Challenge. A unique way of learning before you can actually try the challenge.

In this case, our players have mastered two-back decently well so they have the right to play the Concentration Challenge. How well did any of our players do? Mr B.F.F was only been able to master it for 5 minutes straight but couldn’t get any farther than that. Quintin, on the other hand, has a record of 8 minutes and 2 seconds. What a record for Quintin!

He does surpass Mr B.F.F by three minutes! A very epic moment for Quintin as he could almost see 10 minutes as he concentrated harder. We will see how the other records will go out. Mr B.F.F calls this game a most challenging and mind-focusing game where you really need to focus.

Concentration Training with Devilish Pairs…


It’s more of Luigi’s Memory Match but with a twist! In this game, you must remember where the cards were without looking at them again for the second time. If you guess a card you looked at before and get it wrong, it’s counted against you! Simple but gets harder as more cards add up.

How well did Mr B.F.F performed here? He has managed to reach as high as Level 25 in Devilish Pairs. The pairs increase up as you progress and score 85% or more to level up. A miss counts against the score. It sure does get challenging, just like Devilish Calculations. Getting a wrong card, decreases your score and if you miss 65% and below, you will drop a level. Yikes! Mr B.F.F goes for the 85% score as he wants to see how far Devilish Pairs will go to. We know Devilish Reading is capped at a lower level but the other training games are more than that. More info on that soon.

Has Mr B.F.F actually remembered the the cards? There is another way to get through the score. You can remember the cards by writing it down on a piece of paper and remember the rows, columns and positions the cards were and play it but correctly matching the same number while finding it’s pair. It does work but is more of cheating than remembering.

The trick was used to see how long Mr B.F.F can progress and he could only do 1 level at a time so far. Since the maximum training time is 5 minutes and it’s very long to stay within 5 minutes. More info to come as we level up from 25.

Sum Totaled Battle – The House of Doom


Sum Totaled Battle, a game that came from Brain Age Express: Math Edition! In this game, you add up the numbers mathematically. It’s all addition questions and you don’t have lots of time to answer them. The levels get harder as you go. There are 5 floors and the movements get faster and faster. You have to answer every question swiftly. If you get three hits, then it’s game over. If you complete the five floors, you win the game and claim the points you’ve held all the way.

Mr B.F.F has completed the five floors several times with the final boss to be a replay of all of the Danger Bosses from the previous four floors before a final new boss. He managed to win over the tough boss and bring the game into an end. He won with a 550+ score several times. The fourth floor is down right hard since you have to remember multiple numbers in the boss. It also replays in the fifth floor as well. Grueling.

Any interesting thought of this game?

Best game yet? Almost. Mr B.F.F could appreciate the High Quality version of the game in Concentration Training. The pace remains the same. Though the point systems are different. Mr B.F.F has 550 points on the 3DS version while he has 571 points on the DSi version. There’s also a unique glitch in the game when you play Sum Totaled battle. We will go ahead and link it for you to check out. It will also work on Concentration Training.

So, have you played Brain Age Concentration Training? Please drop your thoughts down below in the comments section. Feel free to join our Community Discord Server to talk with the members of our Team. For now, thanks for reading today’s post here and we will see you all next time for another one soon!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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