Macaroni Defeats OG in Golf After Three Year Gap

With another stunner in Lakeside A, Macaroni calls it “a greatest escape”.

Macaroni Golf on his way! He managed to outlast OldGuy in their second encounter for the first time in a while, they last matched up three years ago! Crazy. Now their second match overall. Macaroni’s return to golf became very true when he manages to find OldGuy in the afternoon. One of Macaroni’s goals was to play again with OldGuy which would be a complete honor if he did. He has now completed that goal in a unique way.

In this post you will find out the last bit of Online Golf games that featured OG in them. So far, a very strong effort for our Team Members who really needed to focus hard in order to do well in Golf, especially 3 Holes Random! Let’s now look at today’s Highlights and stories for this round of Golf Online.

Surely, this is one of the best game that Macaroni Mii has ever recorded in his WSC Golfing Journey, also posting on Twitter regarding the amazing outcome. Read down below for more context of this game.

A Flash Back of the Golf Game back then with Macaroni, OG and a third player! First encounter.

Macaroni’s Game with OldGuy in July 2019 on Resort B.

This was not the only time that Macaroni has played with OG in golf. In 2019, they encountered each other with an additional player. Macaroni Mii didn’t like the old outcomes since he wasn’t at his best. Though he did have two Pars. He was a Level 4 at the time, which can sometimes be embarrassing to see, also considering a Bogey in his score card, but he does realize that performance can improve if Macaroni had practiced.

Here, Macaroni wasn’t at his best either. He had missed a Putt on Hole Resort 6, and a very easy one, where the ball went rolling off to the right when it hits the hole fast. He got a Bogey for a +1 score. Macaroni says that, “it was the old Macaroni back then, you know I wasn’t doing it right and I can understand why that happened.”

OldGuy had won the game with one extra Birdie on Resort 5. Daddy came in 2nd place after his Birdie on Hole 6 and Macaroni came in last after the turn of misses. Later on after the loss, he would practice, have lots of encouragement from other members and had establishing practicing. Macaroni would pledge the opportunity to rematch with OldGuy for which he is still active.

Now, almost four years later, his wish became true when they found each other on 3 Holes Random, showing a little bit of nervousness, but coming out confident than last time.

Brief Breakdown of the Current Game…

Macaroni and OldGuy began their quest to completion on Golf on Lakeside A. The Hole it chose. They both start off strong by bringing in their first Birdie in Hole 1. Hole 2 was not too much of a challenge. OldGuy managed to get the ball in the green while Macaroni hits it too short only to the fairway. Macaroni tried to save the ball, focused to bring a Chip-In but missed.

Allowing OldGuy to break ahead, he needed to secure Hole 3 to win it all. In Hole 3, there were north winds of 8 MPH ahead and OldGuy plays the regular route still. As Macaroni was about to suffer in a loss, he needed to break back again. To make that possible, he goes all in on the Shortcut.

While OG plays the method he prefers, Macaroni goes for a 3 Wood and hit nearly full power ahead to the hole. The shot works and Macaroni successfully lands on the green, awaiting a successful Eagle Putt to break and tie up. OldGuy also makes it to the green, using a 3 Wood to get on the green but in a rather tricky putt.

The shocker happens! Will he get the save?

As OldGuy sets up the putt, all he is left now is a Birdie putt to tie. He focuses and aligns the putt in hopes that it will make it in. Slightly predicted to miss the putt, off he makes the putt and the ball is about to go in. It was only then until the ball swirled so hard around the hole that it misses! It caused immediate reaction and was probably a Heartbreaker Moment! Upset by the miss, Macaroni secures his match winning victory by putting in the Hole successfully for an Eagle!

OldGuy has lost the game and claimed the Par. Macaroni is now one of the players who have managed to defeat OldGuy, but in a close situation. He calls it one of the “greatest escapes” ever, being 1 down to 2nd place and bouncing back to win it all alone with 1st place. That is something Macaroni never thought he has expecting when he made the goal of playing against OldGuy yet again. Tough game for both players, overall, really.

Thoughts from the Macaroni Golf Game:

Macaroni has now managed to tie with OG on his number of wins, each being One a Piece. As a result of the win, he has moved into a brand new Career-High of Level Star 2 in Golf. He adds that: “It was a significant win. I sometimes tend to remember that game I had back then for the first time. I couldn’t get the right feel back then. This time after months of games with Quintin, that really increased my motivation to focus hard.”

Macaroni also gave his encouragement to the Long Time Pro. “OldGuy was trying to do the same thing [focus really hard] as well so I really have to focus and work hard for this which I did. It’s a complete honor to win against a Long-Time legend and I didn’t think I would easily win in my return to play with him. I had a great time and for now, I am enjoying this moment and I will absolutely wish him all the best of luck for the rest of the Online Games he will plan to have.”

Macaroni Mii is extremely happy about the outcome has now fulfilled his goal of playing OldGuy in the process. In the wake of this online game, Quintin will take in lots of pressure as Macaroni may be facing off at some point during the year for their 8th meet up. Macaroni leads their series Online, a score of 6 – 1. Will Quintin break the string of losses he has formed? You will have to find out later on.

Not the Only Time OG misses badly in Lakeside A…


Had OldGuy not miss that crucial putt on the third Lakeside hole, he would have tied with Macaroni. He has faced a stunner for the second time, coincidentally when he played with Mr B.F.F in the same hole. In that game, Mr B.F.F and OldGuy kept up with a positive score for the first two holes. Mr B.F.F delivering approached shots for both of the holes! OG had an Eagle the other day as well.

Now, back to this one, two birdies for both players as they took on Lakeside 3. OldGuy and Mr B.F.F go for the regular route which they followed. Mr B.F.F plays safe with the Iron shot to make the green while OldGuy uses his 3 Wood/Driver strategy.

Feels like a risk if you use the club higher than the recommended one. He still makes the green and focuses hard on the putt. He takes his time, almost spending all the time limit only to miss the hole and inch to lose the game. SHOCKER AGAIN.

Shocking conclusion? A Positive ending regardless for the scores.

Mr B.F.F had to finish the Match Winning Putt for a Birdie to win over OldGuy. He has won by 1 point against him. Mr B.F.F continues to get the better of OG and win another game. Although he focused hard, it was the slope and the way how it will go in was all depended on. An unfortunate slip caused a miss on Lakeside A. Hopefully OG will do better next time.

As for Macaroni, he is praised by his Team Members for bringing in such a strong performance and a comeback. Well done to our Player of the Day: Macaroni Mii!

Thanks for reading today’s article. Another WSC Game to check out as always. Again, a Daily Reminder to go check out CenturyBuilderโ€™s upcoming 100 Subscriber Wii Sports Club Bowling Online Special Video. Just an inch closer to completing three players for the event.

A cut off date to message CenturyBuilder is being made until the end of the month to send your messages to the event organizer. Please follow this page to learn how to participate and more information on the upcoming Page! Contact CenturyBuilder on Discord to request up today as soon as possible to secure that invite!

Feel free to leave thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. What did you think of the game against OG in Macaroni Golf! Please check out the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and arrange Online Games with us, linked above. Thanks for coming, and check out a few more articles as well. More to come.

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level โ˜… 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level โ˜… 2 Player in Golf, Level โ˜… 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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