Macaroni Easily Breezes Through Munson Test in Bowling

Munson disconnects four times against Macaroni

Macaroni Mii was not expecting a High Expectation as he participates in WSC Bowling, but to an easy player. He encounters Munson for what sure is going to be an interesting game. Munson is well known for being a long-time player in WSC Bowling Online. For an inspiration to see what his Mii looks like, watch this video here. A basic Mii used to play the game for several years. He even once won over Mr B.F.F a few years ago when he was only getting started. Munson was a Star 10 at the time! Wow! Now he has lost his Play Data for a new one.

But now, they can master munson and the rest of the next-gen players as they continue to dominate on WSC Bowling Online. In this case, Macaroni is back but was not too worried if he missed one slowpoke shot. In fact, he even pulled off a Perfect Game once again! This also happened with CenturyBuilder in a Game they had. Now the real test applies as he faces against Munson.

In the end of the whole situation of what we will explain here, Macaroni has won against munson after a grueling connection loss. Here’s what happened.

Macaroni in his unusual encounter and what happened next…

As Macaroni encountered munson once again in WSC 10-Pin Bowling Online, he is a Star 6 player who has improved slightly. In the first game, Macaroni goes for his first throw, which is a slowpoke shot, for which he gets instantly booted off the game. Then, he gets Munson once again for another game. Munson went first as he goes for a curved throw but usually misses a strike.

With a Laggy Connnection, munson is booted off the game, usually with the player being disconnected and munson being left on the game with an automatic win. Though unfair, Macaroni tries again to take the win. That’s now the second time, munson disconnects with his opponent.

After the disconnect for the second time, Macaroni gets Munson once again for the third time, but could not even progress halfway through the game again. The lag was too significant as the game was too choppy and laggy when spectating munson. The choppiness and lag was too much to look at as the game had enough and then disconnects Munson out of the game. Mac had to finish the game this time, which gave him a free Win.

Disconnecting out of the game does come with a consequence.

At last, once Mac got kicked out of two games. It has impacted Macaroni’s perfect win rate and dropped him down to 14/16. He has dropped to an 88% rate due to Munson’s disconnection. Macaroni is already gutted to have lost 100%. He will have to live with it, but he has ranked up to a new high of Level Star 3 after getting a Perfect Game to finish up the 3rd game. Macaroni quoting that “He has really serious internet issues.” Mac has no problem with his internet, so there is nothing he needs to worry about with.

Quintin joins in with the pair in the 4th meeting.

Team Member, Quintin also knows about the munson situation. He joined in after hearing that Mac encountered him for the first three games. Yet again, munson did not even managed to breeze through the opening of the first two frames. He instantly booted off and that it took a long time to reach his connection. In fact, he was indeed booted off the game. Macaroni and Quintin were the only two standing players left. They finished off their match with a Slowpoke to get the Perfect Game since they were doing it.

Out of the bloom, a stunner happens. Quintin misses his 9th frame as he gets a 9 and fails the slowpoke. He loses with a 279 while Macaroni finishes with a Perfect. This is the first time ever that Macaroni has stunned Quintin in a different sport rather than Golf. Not once, but TWICE in Bowling!

The stunner continues as Quintin faces a tough challenge…

You heard that right, TWICE! Munson did not return for another game, following several internet disconnections on his side. Quintin and Macaroni played together and straight away, Quintin failes the Slowpoke on the opening frame. WHAT A SHOCKER. Quintin immediately raging from his mistakes decides to give up and gutter for the first few frames.

Macaroni still manages to slowpoke perfectly on his run to perfect. Quintin now wanted to pull off splits and had converted the 5-10 split four times. Although very nice for Quintin, Macaroni has still stunned Quintin once again with a 300 – 143 score, lowest ever for Quintin since his previous games! Macaroni was just too good and did not dropped a Strike on his way to a Perfect Run! He was surprised and saw improvement after struggling with slowpoke for sometime. Wow for Macaroni Mii!

Another Interesting Thing – What are People saying about Munson?

He happened to appear in a YT video that showed off WSC at the time. In Bowling, that video shows munson play online. There were several comments around munson who was also Star 10 on that video which he did timed out for not playing his turn. He was disqualified as a result.

His appearance had an influence and suddenly, viewers were taking up their thoughts on Mr B.F.F’s video after he played with munson since some people went from that video. Saying comments about munson as well, including if he was a bot or he got the pins right. That’s all we have to say about this in our perspective. You can view the video for yourself and you can see the comments about him. I’m sure there are comments around!

Meanwhile, Macaroni Mii’s appearance with Munson right now and defeating him adds him to the record books. He joins his fellow Members, Mr B.F.F, CenturyBuilder, Quintin and Super Gameboy to have defeated Munson in Bowling. 4/5 members have used the Slowpoke against him to win it all. They are all enjoying the moment. Thumbs up and applause for Macaroni Mii today!

Munson, who usually appears on WSC 10-Pin Bowling like this. (Source: CenturyBuilder)

And so, with that, this finishes the article for today. Let us know what you think of this post in the comments below. Interesting to cover. We got more WSC Posts featuring munson. One you can read below right here. Don’t forget to join the community Discord Server because that’s where you can find most of us on. Thanks for sticking around, and we will see you all next time in the meantime.

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level โ˜… 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level โ˜… 2 Player in Golf, Level โ˜… 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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