Macaroni Mii Claims His Third Pro Class Sport Level

A Third Sport Overall in Which Macaroni Mii qualifies for Pro Class on WSC.

It’s seventh heaven for Macaroni Mii as he claims Pro Class for a third sport in WSC Tennis. With free time at last, Macaroni Mii has returned to Wii Sports Club once again to check if there are any players interested this time around. Macaroni had no luck finding players so he needed to play with his fellow Team Members.

With the Team nearly available to play with, he brought returning member and a YouTuber, now with 100 subscribers, CenturyBuilder to play together. He played with CenturyBuilder for several rounds of Tennis Online. With all the help Macaroni Mii needed, he succeeded his goal of reaching Level Star 1, the Pro Class Level. In one of those games, he was nearing just a small inch to get there.

He regained momentum to finish with a Win and get there to Pro Class. He has not a single game yet, due to CenturyBuilder being a little easy in the process. Macaroni has a perfect 11/11 games and won them all so far at the moment.

Giving credit where it’s due, Macaroni gives him all he gives to CenturyBuilder as they played enough games to get there. A simple grind with only a few wins. It got competitive when CenturyBuilder was trying to go for the swing.

During the Online Gameplay…

CenturyBuilder’s racket continuously went crazy, making it hard to swing the right way, going out or making a miss on the return. Unfortunate to see that happen, but he did win five points against Macaroni, nothing to be ashamed about!

CenturyBuilder’s point of view, making his serve.

CenturyBuilder who recently made a return in WSC Bowling decided to play different sports for the first time in a while. He will also look to play some more Golf with Mr B.F.F and Quintin as he works on improving his level and skill there as well. Macaroni Mii is not completely into doing golf just yet but will make his move there once he feels confident and gets a chance to do so.

Quintin has also encouraged Mac to go further the distance in Leveling Up. Following the advice, Macaroni will be looking to level up further in the game when he’s active as well. We will wish him all the best of luck while he goes for the grind too. A third game overall where he reached Pro Class, but the journey does not end there, as you may already know!

What will be next for Macaroni? Has it been decided yet?

Macaroni Mii may consider going on Baseball and Boxing. Mac has confidence he will do well on Baseball. Other factors to note on this game. A player kr wf, a Level 1 first time player, most recently had upset Mr B.F.F in the Online game, showing that there are some interesting challengers. They may also be tricky as well. Macaroni will do his best and try to win when he plays an Online Game.

Macaroni will be bringing his A-Game when he shows up to the field. With a little bit more of Local, he will sure be prepared for a challenger, hard or not and put it all to the test. It will be up to Macaroni to decide whether he wants to play it on Baseball. We’ll update you and see what happens.

All that’s left is Boxing which Macaroni is not too confident about either. Not too sure if Gameboy, our Team Member requested him to do a Online Match of Boxing and that he will accept it. But if he does, Macaroni predicts he will lose but, it’s always give it a try before it happens. Macaroni Mii will also be deciding whether he likes to give Boxing a try. Stay tuned for the updates to come!

Meanwhile, another Mii makes WSC Headlines…

Gameboy with his Perfect Game today. Source: Gameboy Master on Discord.

Gameboy Master made his return to Wii Sports Club Bowling this afternoon finding a person named Braden in the Process! He is from the same club Gameboy is also on! The Wisconsin Club with two players against each other. Gameboy was sure lucky when he found the person online and in the same club.

He had two matches with Braden and first scored 267 while he had a new record of 143. Gameboy had missed two frames on 7 and 8, but still had delivered the performance we all expected to see from Super Gameboy, himself. He managed to find Braden again and give the round another go.

This time around, Gameboy delivered an exceptional performance, better from his previous game and scored a Perfect Game. He manages to defeat Countryman Braden with a Perfect Game. Gameboy Master was praised by fellow Team Members and those on our Community Discord Server on the games he played for his strong effort.

Confidence is coming? It sure looks like it. He may be a first participant on the 100 Subscribers Special video that will be created by CenturyBuilder. Gameboy saying that “he’s just only warming up for the special occassion”.

Also good to note that this is not the first time that our Team Members have defeated players from their own Clubs… Mr B.F.F had also defeated Countryman Camryn from the B.C. Club in a 100-Pin Online Game, later defeating him in 10-Pin Bowling and Tennis as well!

Thanks for reading today’s post!

How will Macaroni Mii progress even further in Tennis on WSC? Please leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below and join in on the story. Visit the Communityย Discord Serverย if you would like to talk with the Team Members and play Online Games with us!

Catch you all later with another Highlight video coming up real soon. Also thanks to CenturyBuilder for participating. If you haven’t already please check out his upcoming 100 Subscriber WSC Online Special Video development article post, where YOU can participate! He also has a Community Post you can look at as well on YouTube for the instructions.

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level โ˜… 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level โ˜… 2 Player in Golf, Level โ˜… 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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