Macaroni Mii to Reach Pro Class in Tennis

If achieved, this will be his third sport where he has achieved Pro Class with Level Star 1.

Macaroni Mii has recently been on a role of winning big on the Sports. The performances shows as his rank continues to go up. He now climbs up to a new Level-High of Level 10. He is now one full experience level away from Star 1 and to be part of the Pro Class in Wii Sports Club Tennis.

Macaroni keeping up with his progression…..

Recently, Macaroni Mii has encountered two random players on WSC Tennis and dominated them both. One being a Pro Class Member over his current level, Macaroni managed to beat Slade under a laggy circumstance. Despite Connection Lags, Macaroni Mii continues to keep his solid form in Tennis. He earned a considerable amount of experience points after finishing 7 – 2. Overall, Mac is doing a great job. He needs to keep up at this pace if he wants to see his experience go up.

Macaroni defeated Slade in a Run for Level 9.

Macaroni’s win streak in Tennis kept going to a Perfect 100% when he also faced Gameboy Master in a very unusual encounter/meetup in an Online Game. Remember when Gameboy was trying to win another against Mr B.F.F? Gameboy met his Match when Macaroni took the Win twice, in easy points. The curves and returns were successfully executed, while Gameboy held a ton of errors during his run.

With the successful performance, he achieved over 100+ skill points from both of those games and led him to reach Level 9. And that’s the highest peak of Macaroni’s performance after beating the Star 7 player. Although Gameboy didn’t like Macaroni’s sneaky performance, he had to live with it and redeem himself with another Online Game to make up for it. Gameboy didn’t like Macaroni’s bragging and that he was two Levels away from Pro Class in a way that made him annoyed promptly but they did not start a Feud of their own for which was all resolved in the end.

What contributed to Level up to 10?

Macaroni needed to find more players at his Level. He is still able to find most players at Level 9. It took him two additional days to find a player as he couldn’t find someone out of the box. After waiting a few days, Macaroni finally got Lex who was considered an Easy Player out of the Box. Unfortunately for some, Rank is not a factor as some people can throw in an impressive performance. Hence, Macaroni’s win over Gameboy at a lower level proved he has a strong performance in Tennis, regardless of rank.

With no hesitation, Macaroni has FOUR aces after Lex decides to miss and swings the return late. He did not slip in any of his shots but only one error as he swung the ball wide and out once in his run to 7. Such excellent performance caused Macaroni to take a whopping, 5 match point chances.

Reaching Level 10 for the first time!

The final score was 7 – 1. Yet Macaroni is unable to get a 7 – 0 win, except Star 10 Mr B.F.F in his win over his other Star 10 player Quintin in one Online Game before. With the Win, Macaroni leveled up to Level 10 and is now one level away from Star 1. You can see the image above the post to see his current status. He played an additional game, won that as well and scored +58 more points to make the bar go closer to Leveling up.

In his updated play data, he finished with a Perfect and Running 8/8 Wins from all of his Online Games Played. His wins and Local Game Wins contributed to his Level 10 rank for clarification. Will it soon be time to see Macaroni lose a first game? We hope Macaroni will keep his performance up to see Pro Class in Tennis for his Profile!

Any other Ranks that we know from Macaroni Mii already?

If Macaroni is to complete the Swing of WSC Tennis once more with a Local or Online Game (online gives more experience points), this will be his third Sport in which he has Pro Class. He has already achieved Pro Class in Bowling, which took a timely grind and Golf following the Bowling grind.

Macaroni Mii feels that his Bowling Grind was his most favorite, considering he played with his fellow Golf Rival Quintin. Included in the Grind, and after was his fellow Team Member CenturyBuilder who he played with. They both did a 300 Perfect Game for which the pair tied for the first time together. As a result of their success, Macaroni scored a big deal of Experience Points after the game.

Macaroni currently holds Level Star 2 in Bowling. Image from CenturyBuilder’s Point of View.

Macaroni also enjoyed Golfing with Quintin as he shares a competitive rivalry which he is enjoying his long 6 – 1 lead. He will look to extend his experience points in Golf for which he is at Star 1! Good to luck to Macaroni for his WSC Runs! You can read the latest article of Macaroni’s Star 1 Progression and how the Rivalry is holding up in this post here.

What about the other sports he has not played recently?

One more question you may be asking is, will he play Baseball or Boxing? It depends if Macaroni Mii has interest in those sports. Mac has already claimed that he is terrible on Boxing. It seems we’ll never know if you can convince him to play on that sport. Baseball has been a consideration for Macaroni but only time will tell when he plays Online to start his Rank Up.

He has played with Mr B.F.F in a WSC Baseball game once as well. However, Macaroni has not established a return in Baseball for three years now. We don’t know his numbers on Baseball and Boxing so we will be double checking his Levels later on to see where he is at. In the meantime, he will be finishing his Tennis Grind to finish with Star 1.

Thanks for reading today!

Will Macaroni Mii get his third sport into Pro Class? You got to check out our website for more updates and join the Community Discord Server for those updates when they come out! For now, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below if you liked this post. Until then, we will see you all next time out for a new article, on Team B.F.F Gamers.

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level โ˜… 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level โ˜… 2 Player in Golf, Level โ˜… 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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