Macaroni Sets Up 7 – 10 Thriller, More Bowling Games!

An upcoming Episode of CenturyBuilder’s Bowling Lane, a small series tested by CenturyBuilder.

We got some more exciting moments on Wii Sports Club and it doesn’t stop there. More and more games have piled up and today’s post centers around Bowling once more. We got some more insane games and upcoming releases to be planned. For those who are reading will get a chance to see some upcoming Highlights as videos so there is a chance to see them on YouTube!

Bowling Games included Macaroni, Quintin, CenturyBuilder and a ton others. Out of all the games played with the Team Members, let’s see which stood out the most. For now we got three games to share with you with one of them being an upcoming video for CenturyBuilder’s channel.

Surprise Video in Development with CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder whipped up a brand new video idea. Part of his new ideas included a partner for this particular one, though the surprise is yet to be fully revealed.

Why don’t we have someone do a 7-10 in front of him? Mr B.F.F had originally confirmed to test the experiment out but ruled against this after he had personal problems which caused him to miss out on the participation of CenturyBuilder’s proposed video. The full details would eventually be announced on the Team’s Group DM. Though there is still work to be done for this one. Macaroni Mii would take the field for this one.

For this video plan, Macaroni will be tested if he can master the 7-10 Split in front of him. Though it didn’t go his away since he lost, he will suffer a loss of all his experience points as a Star 5 player. Do you think Macaroni was able to pull of the 7-10 split? Did he managed to do an insane shot in Wii Sports Club Bowling? The screenshot above this post really predicts it all! You will be finding out in CenturyBuilder’s upcoming videos in development!

More Bowling Games: One with a new player making debut!


More piles of Bowling Games happened outside of the Friend Games! We got a brand new player who made their mainstream WSC debut on the bowling lane. Ryan, was their name, also played on Tennis and Golf as well to welcome the new player. Mr B.F.F managed to play with Ryan for the first time in Bowling 10-Pin. Considering the fact that they were able to do Slowpoke, meant that Mr B.F.F was expecting them to get a Perfect Game. Let’s see what happened.

Adier and Ryan were playing their first game. It also caught the attention of Mr B.F.F as well as he wanted to join the fun as well and play with Ryan for the first time as well! He got his chance when they did a second game of 10-Pin Bowling!

How it all went down! The Perfect Game Moment to see!

Mr B.F.F managed to continue Perfect Form as he converted his slowpoke as usual, clearing a path for his Perfect 300 Game. Ryan was trying to do the same thing. The first frame, had confidence in them getting a 300 as well. Adier had missed their second frame but kept it going with some strikes, following a satisfying performance. They did not dropped an open frame after.

It all fell when they missed the Slowpoke shot, mispositioned that costed them 8 pins though they spared. The struggle continued when they kept missing the slowpoke. They decided to do new throws which they tried to get a Strike for. Some were strikes and a few were misses. They finished third place.

After the first game with Mr B.F.F as a Third Player, both Adier and Ryan returned for their third game overall for which Ryan actually got a Perfect Game that time around. Adier praised Ryan for making it happen! We don’t know if they did the Slowpoke shot to make it possible but most likely they used to get their own Perfect Game!

Quintin delivers a Shock Performance, “Felt Like it Was Embarrassing”


Shocking, isn’t it? Quintin only scored TEN points on this particular Bowling Game. It certainly got Mr B.F.F triggered, even caught Macaroni and CenturyBuilder’s attention. You don’t usually see Quintin scoring something like that. All that Quintin claimed was that he wanted to help good friend, Bananaplan, as you might have seen in this photo, reach Star 9.

Quintin’s idea was to gutter the ball to give him a bad score, giving his opponent more experience points in the process. Unaware of the situation, Mr B.F.F continued to deliver his slowpoke Perfect Game and it gave Bananaplan only a little bit of experience after he scored 277 points.

Meanwhile, things didn’t go his way for the Third Place player. Quintin had looked at the screenshot over several times before admitting that he was embarrassed by the score. The score was posted on Discord to a surprising reaction from his Team Members. Bananaplan sure gave it his all and this time, it showed in his 277 score. Mr B.F.F praised him for his performance.

Noticed why Quintin got the strike? Out of nowhere, he managed to pull of a Gutter Strike which shocked Mr B.F.F and Quintin, himself! Another crazy shot pulled off. To find out how the Gutter Strike works, watch this quick YouTube video to see it happen! As for Bananaplan and Quintin, they continued to play 10-Pin and 100-pin to help Bananaplan to reach Star 9. Hopefully they will get Star 10 very soon. As this was unexpected for Mr B.F.F, he now knows this and wishes Bananaplan all the best of luck in reaching Star 10.

Thanks for reading today’s post!

What did you think of today’s WSC Bowling Games! Please drop your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post down below. There are also other posts for Wii Sports Club if you like to see them. Please check out the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and play Online Games such as Bowling linked above. For now, see you again real soon for the next post!

Featured Author/Member: Macaroni Mii

Macaroni Mii is a WSC and NSS Online Friends Player - in addition to blog posting. Macaroni is currently ranked as high as Level ★ 5 in Bowling. He is ranked as the Level ★ 2 Player in Golf, Level ★ 3 in Tennis. In real life, he is a Sports Club Manager. He has a record of -12 on Wii Sports Club Golf and has scored a Perfect 300 Game on Bowling.

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