Mario Party Online Session! Global Game #1

Kicking off with a new Online Session of Mario Party Superstars

It’s about time! Mr B.F.F started off Fun and Games day as he makes his return to play some more Mario Party Superstars! Not with friends, but a Global Online Session with any three new players! Last time, Mr B.F.F’s first win against Quintin in Yoshi’s Tropical Island for which he prevailed to a great extent! Now, really motivated him to play again in an International game with different players trying to get the Win over our Team Member. This is the first ever Global Game as Mr B.F.F makes his opening debut on Superstars Online. Let’s see how well that went in today’s short Highlights!

Our player, Mr B.F.F made his debut in Mario Party Superstars Online with a 15 turn game of Horror Land with Bonus Stars on. Playing as Mario, his opponents were Rosalina, Birdo and Wario. In the deciding order, Mario rolled an 8 to start 1st in the line up, 2nd was Rosalina and then 3rd for Birdo and 4th for Wario. The games would go on.

Overview of the Mario Party Online!

In Mr B.F.F point of view, the player Rosalina already advanced to claim a star after getting 20 coins. Mr B.F.F got his first star after Signaling the Chomp Call which puts the star well not far behind of his reach. In the next turn, he managed to clinch a star. Rosalina already got her 2nd and Mr B.F.F rushed with a double dice in order to get it. He needed to roll a 12, and rolled an 8 and a 4 which puts him into reach. That’s where he got his 2nd star and put him 1st momentarily when he held enough coins to get the spot. Later on, Rosalina took a 3rd star and regained 1st.

Soon, Mr B.F.F was attempting to reach a 3rd star but failed to do so after he rolled the dice, falling short of the required number twice and could not shorten the reach as his fellow leader claimed a 4th star, and puts her well ahead of the game. His unfortunate misses costs our player as Mr B.F.F then dropped to 3rd place after a Bowser Revolution and a players landing of the coin bank puts the 3rd place player, Birdo, up to 2nd place claiming an impressive number of coins (Final tally was 92).

As the game is about to end…..

There were two duel battles in this game, both with the same players, Mr B.F.F and our 1st place leader. Mr B.F.F had control so he risked 10 coins and 12 coins in Duels 1 and 2 respectively for which winner takes it all. Both players had won their single game and the reigning player won more coins than Mr B.F.F, winning 24 in the process. (1 – 1 draw for both Duel Battles). Mr B.F.F will be looking into practicing a bit more on 1-v-1 games but the Team Member will enjoy the win he got for which he won 20 coins that was risked.

In the last 5 turns, the prediction was turned over to Wario which he got the Super Warp Block. In the final results, Mario who is controlled by Mr B.F.F received both bonus star awards for the Shopping Bonus for which he saw himself buying a ton of Mushrooms to save himself as well as the Unlucky Bonus as he landed on Two Red Spaces, this as he tied Wario for this bonus. Mr B.F.F managed to move back into 2nd place as other players had 3 stars each while he had four. He was 1 star short of 5. He would have a won a chance to prevail to 1st since he had more coins over the Leader (72 – 46) but failed to claim another star during the process.

Reaction and Conclusion of the Game:

As a result of the scores, the Rosalina Leader won the game with 5 stars overall and the Runner-Up, Mr B.F.F had 4 stars. The other remaining players finished 3rd and 4th respectively. Concluding the results, Mr B.F.F gained up to Mario Party Level 48 for his 2nd place performance. Second place felt that it opening his debut to a positive note, knowing that he will continue to maintain his form in Superstars and that a win will come towards him soon, but in order to do that, he needs to do well in Mini-Games and get a good command on the Board. He felt that he had some solid performances in Mini-Games such as Cast Aways but did not get the 2x coins bonuses.

“It was a fun game but you know, you gotta work hard because luck was not on my side today, I had several chances to claim a Star after I was stuck on Two and I could not catch up since the Dice Rolls were throwing me over. Maybe next time, the lucky stars will come on my side.”

Mr B.F.F who controlled the player, Mario.

Mr B.F.F sure had a competition in Horror Land for the first time, even thrown a Cursed Dice Block in a middle of a game! Although he fell short of 1st place, the leader kept composure, held on to the stars as much as she could have prevailed regardless. He is looking to improve upon a performance where he momentarily got 1st mid-run but wants to hang on to a lead for more rounds at a time. We’ll see him next time as he will make a schedule to head on his Online run in Woody Woods when the Team Member makes his return.

Do you guys enjoy Mario Party Superstars? Liking what we have so far for this game? We will be doing this again very soon! Don’t forget to comment down below and join the community Discord server! Thank you all for your support and we will see you all next time for another article online until then.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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