Some More Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Online Battles with Quintin and Friends!

Quintin reaches 5,000 VR by doing well on the Battle Mode Games.

We return to some more Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in Battle Mode! We have returned after playing Online Races and is ready for some Battle as well. Since Mr B.F.F played with his second account with Switch Online, he has 1,000 VR. His other sets of VR were on his main. For this, he played with Jack. The players in the line up included Mr B.F.F, Quintin, Adier, Surrey and MasterLegend (MC), a friend of Quintin.

In addition, we will also wait for the next Wave of the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Expansion Pack to come out. So for now, we did some more Online Battle to help us improve there. Another fact is that Mr B.F.F enjoys Battle even better on the DS version of Mario Kart. Interesting for you to know.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Kicks off with Balloon Battle and Bomb-omb Blast!

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe ImagePin

Surprising victory as Jack had 8 hits and carried it through the time! Though Jack isn’t usually confident in Balloon Battle. He had to step up his game and start attacking on the players to get the points.

The Three Green Shells, as Mr B.F.F would usually call his shield helped get his opponents, simply by coming in contact with them. It would count as a hit. He got few more items to help him, some banana peels were light and easy to dodge, but got some surprise hits which also counted. Bomb-ombs from behind also helped.

He got lucky for one game but fell between securing 3 or 4 points in other rounds, putting him just below the Top 3. Mr B.F.F was surprised to see a comeback after avoiding being sidelined in this particular game, he was blazing and somehow, he got there. For now, Mr B.F.F is enjoying this win as he got their with Jack.

Victory in a Coin Runners Session!


Jack manages to win a game standing alone for the first time! It was a first ever 1st place victory for Jack in this particular game! Though the VR value was just about the same he gets for different positions in the Challenge Games. Jack enjoyed a victory after picking up a ton of coins. Although he would be hit a couple of times, he would rebound after being hit. Also recovering coins to jump up to the top position does help.

By ensuring that Jack hanged on to his coins as time ran out, he claimed a victory after he was ahead of the game. Mr B.F.F had praised this game since the Battle Course was the most easiest to claim the coins, finding a strategy, avoiding hits, all in all. He will sure get his hands on more VR as Mr B.F.F wants to do another Coin Runners session pretty soon. Jack and Mr B.F.F do believe that Coin Runners is their favorite and easy game. But however, depends on the track where the coins all spread out.

Runner-up in Shine Thief, 11 is the best score for Jack.


Jack enjoyed Shine Thief at a good pace but felt that performance lacked a bit for this game overall. Although at some points Jack was able to reach in their and hold the shine for some time before losing it to other players. Jack sometimes has the shine closest to him and goes to get it, however his vehicle customization is too slow to main the shine so well that he can’t win it all.

Sad to see it come like that. Work will have to be done to speed up and defend the shine longer as usual. Nothing else to note in this game but Jack does get credit, even if he holds it for 1 second and that’s all. Though the slow speed, Jack was able to hold the shine for 11 seconds to get 11 points. That is the best so far for Jack and improvement can be made.

Becoming Allies in Renegade Round-Up in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!


Jack becomes allies in the game to help him progress further with his VR score. In a few games, he has to dodge the law which is by running away from the Renegades. He finds that dodging the law is very easier to win over than catching the Renegades as that takes focus and a bit of time needed. Jack and Mr B.F.F favors this although he has lost one course over all in a fast pace, with both Jack and Quintin being on opposing teams for which the Renegade Catchers won.

Jack was also an opposing member of a team, with Quintin, MC and Adier on the other side. They have managed to capture Jack a few times but could not get everyone caught before time ran out. While still on the cage, Jack won with his Team and got some VR in the process as there were still members uncaught. Mr B.F.F sure favors Dodging the Law is the best side to win a game in Renegade Roundup.

And it happens again. The conclusion…

With that, the games continue until they exit out from Online. Jack’s highest VR right now is 1398. That brings this session to a close. Mr B.F.F also played some Online Races as well but is working hard to get 1st place in a race for the first time in his Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Career Worldwide.

Thanks for reading today’s post! The date for the cut-off ends soon: Go check out CenturyBuilder’s upcoming 100 Subscriber Wii Sports Club Bowling Online Special Video event.

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Meanwhile, leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. What did you think of today’s fun WSC Highlights! Please check out the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members linked above. Until then, meet you again with a new article to come.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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