Mr B.F.F Ends Player’s Win Streak in Golf

Today was Fun and Games Day! Mr B.F.F was playing Wii Sports Club (including Golf Online), Switch Sports and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. We will post the news when it’s ready to show. Here is the first Highlight of the Event.

Finally happened today, Team Member Mr B.F.F shut the lights off OldGuy (also featured on Legacy Online Screenshots) on Wii Sports Club Golf Online when the long-time player struggled with his excellent form, missing Birdies and an Eagle on course. The subsequent game prior to the Win had Mr B.F.F slighly falling off form, only returning strong and tying with OldGuy. Meanwhile, the Canadian still builds upon a Win Streak of his own, after Wii Bill lost and raged quit on two games.

Following the win, cheers and support for Mr B.F.F have driven up to a high point. Quintin, also praising the win as he calls it, the “Biggest Win of his Golf Career”. Mr B.F.F calls it a Personal Favorite as well. This after Mr B.F.F ended OldGuy’s bid to extend the Win Count in the Rivalry.

How the Golf Online Win was pulled off in attempt:

Long-time player, OldGuy is known for specializing players and rivals alike in 3 Holes Random. Quintin, who has influence against long-time WSC golf rivals, including the All-Time record holder for WSC Golf, has also encountered the player, who also has wins and losses recorded in their 3 Holes Rivalry. Meanwhile, Mr B.F.F had shown to OldGuy a continued struggle in his previous form, with course sorted with Lakeside and Resort 90% of the time with occasional ties.

Quintin also recorded a video of the encounter he had with OldGuy. If you want to see the video, you can check it out on his YouTube Channel or follow this link here.

With the ties mentioned, Mr B.F.F’s goal was to reach him, this time with a goal to WIN. This was briefly mentioned after he was stunned after pulling off an impressive Chip-in Eagle. He would attempt to avenge the stunning loss when the game threw Classic A in 3 Holes Random. This followed when Quintin won against OldGuy in 3 Holes Random in the same hole with a score of -4 to -1. He would eventually want to match up again but got Liam in the process. This is their score down below.

Golf Online Score 2Pin
Quintin’s win in 3 Holes Golf. Image courtesy of Quintin.

Overview of the Two Golf Online Games:

In Mr B.F.F’s two games with OldGuy, they both faced off in the same hole, Classic A. They had a good start going with the Driver. Mr B.F.F suffered a Bunker and missed his 3rd Shot. With OldGuy in the lead, he bunkered as well in the 2nd Hole. Mr B.F.F shortly rebounded as the 3rd hole threw them off as over and underpowered shots caused them to miss the green. Meanwhile, Mr B.F.F had a chance to Eagle from the Bunker for which he turned too much to the left. If he had to sink the ball in, it would have been a Winning Game for the Canadian, but he always has to try again.

Both him and OldGuy tied for Birdie bringing the final score for the first game, which is a -2. Mr B.F.F wanted to stand alone and that wouldn’t happen until OldGuy needed to show up. He also needed the same hole chosen, and not screw up. They were thrown the same hole and Mr B.F.F was in complete focus mode, as well as OldGuy who had done the same thing in the Beginning.

As they progressed, both players managed to sink in a Birdie in the first hole, mildly pressuring Mr B.F.F as OldGuy was close for an Eagle prior to his Birdie putt. In the 2nd hole, Mr B.F.F went first as he decides to Backspin his Golf Shot. The tables would turn as he approaches the hole, similar to OldGuy’s Eagle Attempt in the 1st. OldGuy on the other hand, missed a crucial shot, powering it too much where he lands in the Rough. He was unable to Chip-In, as a result claims a Par. Mr B.F.F now held a 1-Up lead against the Long-Time Player as they head to final hole.

The Stunning Conclusion to the Game:

Stakes were high as the wind for Hole 3 was 0 MPH. Both players made the Secret Fairway and OldGuy went first in a Bid to get an Eagle. He overpowered his shot to a degree where his Chances of an Eagle was fading. Mr B.F.F played the right power where he got the ball on the green.

OldGuy had to Chip his Way to an Eagle but missed his shot. As a result, Mr B.F.F secured a Lock Game and Win over the 3 Holes Pro for the First Time Ever. To end the game with a Flourish, Mr B.F.F lines up a perfect putt into the Hole, barely running it inside the cup. He finished with an Eagle in return, en route his -4 victory over OldGuy and the Historic Win. Mr B.F.F praised the outcome and was his last game once after, walking away a Perfect Winner for the Day after Four Matches Overall in a Single Day.


After the first-time defeat pulled off by our Team Member, OldGuy still maintains a strong win rate > 85% over the Canadian, for which he has pulled off Several Wins in different holes. He once shocked Mr B.F.F after scoring an Eagle Chip-in on Resort 1. Once the time arrives, The Team Member is expected to improve upon his first win by delivering a more impressive game with Chip-Ins and Theoretical Scores when the long-time player is expected to return. All in an effort to reach the Head to Head score to a more positive score. We wish all the best of luck for Mr B.F.F and the journey.

“You really have to be in complete focus mode when it comes to OldGuy. He may be down-right correct with his shots, but sometimes, he faces mild flaws and that’s what I saw. Strong Player, but Rock Bottom performance for my Rival today. I have been practicing Classic A for quite some time with my friend, Quintin so I definitely had to bring my A Game when the game threw in Classic A.”

We will be updating you with more Golf Online wins as they arise. Make sure to check us out in our Social Media channels and feel free to comment down below of your thoughts. More game highlights will be on once we play them through.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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