Mr B.F.F Returns to Winning Spirits on WSC Golf Online

A 348th Win Overall, The Canadian takes a first win since mid-October.

Recently, there hasn’t been a lot going on Wii Sports Club Online due to the inactivity. However, there were Live Streams coming in that allowed the Team to return to the game, sparking interest again. WSC Golf and Bowling were the two main games for our Team Members. Tennis also got Christy returning again as well.

Mr B.F.F returned to victory as he won a game of WSC Classic 9 Holes Golf online. He helped his play data by earning two more victories. He has a tie finish with Quintin despite holding a Match Point putt. Mr B.F.F also played with S. Gameboy and streamer Kurtis to take a solo win, with considerable improvement.

To recap, Mr B.F.F suffered two retirements due to considerable arm pain. He was also in hot water after trying to get through Resort 9 Holes. He said those were the worst times played Online of his season yet, noting that he doesn’t give up that easily. Mr B.F.F sought out improvement.

How Mr B.F.F kept his cool in WSC Golf this time…

In Game 1 of WSC Golf, he tried to open the round early but suffered a Par. He maintained his form by tying the Birdies as much as possible. Quintin was pressuring him but still kept cool to maintain his lead. After Quintin’s impressive run, it was about to all end after a game-changing water hazard was about to stop his tracks.

He overshot the Hole 9 shortcut and missed the Fairway. Mr B.F.F had a chance to win it all but missed an Eagle Putt which he hits it too fast. Quintin and Mr B.F.F would finish the game with a tie. At least he was satisfied with the returning result.

That showed only one Par for each player. Every other hole had Birdies but no Eagles! The next game showed a little bit more… read onwards to find out what happens.

Even striking for more improvement!

In game two, S. Gameboy joined in the fun. Mr B.F.F sought even more improvement when he opened a -4 in the first three holes. An Eagle in return as well, which he claimed with a Chip In, and a Birdie Save via a long putt. Hole 4 saw his only Par but persevered to win more Birdies and a Hole 9 Eagle to finish off. He scored a -11, which is even better. Mr B.F.F returned to double digit victories on Golf again.

S. Gameboy also saw a impressive outcome as a runner-up, only receiving one Par in the process, he was a little short of claiming a personal best, but is happy of the outcome. There were no Bogeys for the Team Members so that’s something we can all talk about! A clean game overall!

After the two games, Mr B.F.F considered the evening round of Online Games to be very favorable. He enjoyed as much of a return to form once again in the game. Despite having mess up in the earlier games, he bounced back quickly and put his brain to focus in both online games.

Mr B.F.F was pleased to see improvement but would like to see more effort come in when he’s got the opportunity to do so. More WSC to come? Maybe even golf again? We’ll find out as the time progresses ahead.

Meanwhile, in WSC Tennis…

Meanwhile, Christy also took her return to Tennis Online on Anyone. She also faced against Kurtis in which was an overwhelming result. Though not a 7-0 victory to add today, she won it in a 7-2 result.

Her form is still decent so far but she’s got work to do on the WSC Tennis Event coming in a few days. She only had two unforced errors in the process but the rest was on Kurtis’ missed shots. Christy will look to expand even further in Tennis before the year ends.

Her win streak is extended to 15 matches overall in Anyone play, and she’s still undefeated as of now. 15/15 Online Game Wins and beyond. Christy is booked for our special WSC Tennis Event to be hosted pretty soon. She’s already got her warmup with former Team Member, CenturyBuilder as well. Both agreed that it was a nice practice session and she’s going to be warmed up until she starts her first match back.

For the WSC Event, the draw is now released so you can take a look who’s playing for the first round of matches in a week or two. You can view the event on this link here to learn more about it!

Also, headlines in Bowling!


Even another Live Stream sparked our interest! The Team got their chance after Quintin was featured in two games, and Mr B.F.F as well. They played in 10-Pin Bowling and Quintin scored his Perfect Game. He carried his form to 100-Pin where he joined some Content Creators for a nice game. Quintin finished in first place with 2698 pins.

Mr B.F.F played in Spin Control with S. Gameboy and the streamer and they secured 1st and 2nd place. S. Gameboy also played Golf 3 Holes Random and finished off on Baseball. He survived a penultimate game, after being 1 point down.

His team secured a base and when he’s got 2 outs and 2 strikes, he was bound to be defeated. The player, Adam throws the ball in which Gameboy’s team member, Yoko, finished the job. That caused a Home Run, allowing the players to finish in the points and locking in the game at 2 – 1 in Gameboy’s favor.

That is probably the closest of all outcomes we’ve seen yet and that Gameboy handled the pressure very well. Many congrats to S. Gameboy for securing the victory. With that, WSC closes off for another night.

That wraps up more WSC Highlights we’ve got. Feel free to drop your comments down below for this post. More Additional Wii Sports Club blog posts we’ve made as well.

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Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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