New Tracks! MK8D Collab Highlights – Part 1

Welcome back to another Highlight Session! We are looking at the MK8D game again, and you might be wondering how we got here once again. It was all on talks again at the Discord server and we had a talk about the Wave 4 Courses coming out (which is now released – and we’ll have updates to it.) Quintin, of course, was very hyped about the release and has been asking Team Member, Mr B.F.F whether he will play the New Courses.


What happened? Mr B.F.F does not have the MK8D Booster Course Pass or the Expansion Pack to play the new Tracks. He was curious to know whether a Friend, who bought the course pack was able to share the Courses, allowing regular members to play online. He looked at the official FAQ, and low and behold, the game allows regular members to play the New Courses Online. While it’s certainly unideal for Mr B.F.F himself as this won’t be a method to playing the Tracks in the long term, he got a peek to check out the new Booster Courses with Quintin, who owns the Pack.

They eventually played! Highlights:

They had played in a Worldwide lobby at first for three games which saw Quintin beat Mr B.F.F in all races. While Mr B.F.F saw some points awarded for his fine performance, including 4th and 5th, Quintin had the upper hand in all three of his races for which they tied their Match Stats of 7 – 7. Quintin was playing as the top player out of all of the other online players matched up in the three sessions with over a longshot 20,000 VR.

They would now head in to a Friends Room to play the new tracks. They began the brand new tracks starting with Paris Prominade. Both players gave it their all as they faced a ton of curves and turning around to do. Normal play didn’t seem that big of a deal. However, Quintin gave a win to Mr B.F.F in the most unusual way, claiming that “I felt I should give it to you.”. Mr B.F.F was in the lead now ahead of the Stats.

In the Toad Circuit, Quintin, this time pushed on and was actually racing more competitively than the previous race, forming a good, but rather very long lead. Mr B.F.F had saw himself trying to catch up but failed to win the race after Quintin finished well ahead of him. They tie their result once again. They went on with a tie-breaking race, once again for which Mr B.F.F saw a lead trying to break the tie, but after a crucial wall hit, he gave up his lead to Quintin for which he finished first. The Score was 7 – 5. Their next match was in Kalimari Desert, where Mr B.F.F remembered the N64 track as he was playing it on a Twitch stream before.

In an attempt to tie it up…..

Mr B.F.F knew it was time to get things going and win it. Quintin starts off in the fastest pace possible as another wall hit kept his margin, far apart. Mr B.F.F needed the good items. He managed to get a Red Shell and 3 Mushrooms. He went ahead and threw the Red Shells and followed it with the speed boosts. As a result, he managed to lower the margin so well that they managed to carry on through the final lap.

In a turn of events, Mr B.F.F gets the speed boosting Mushroom and a Fire Flower. He sped up and threw the Fire as much as possible. He manages to hit Quintin and rebound to first. Mr B.F.F managed to overtake and reaches the finish line, but yet again, Quintin decided that he would give the Team Member the win once again, making Mr B.F.F feel shocked about the outcome. As a result he won for another tie over the American as they were running out of time to play and had to play once MK8D final race.

Final MK8D Track of the Day – With an Unusual Guest

In the Final Race of the day, which took place in Mario Circuit 3, it was a race to the flag. The guest driver, scotty, managed to break into 1st place despite being overtaken a couple of times. Mr B.F.F said it didn’t matter if I was going to get first, as both leaders a tied prior to coming in and having +2 points, Mr B.F.F needed to finish as well as he could. He rebounded to 2nd, with 3 Mushrooms to speed him up on the line and therefore surpassing Quintin, the driver over to the Flag. Once after the hits and the increasing speed, Mr B.F.F reached just enough to finish with a score of 10 – 9.


In the conclusion of the final race of the day, Mr B.F.F won the most races overall in Part 1 of the New Tracks in their Rivalry. The Final Match Stats for Part 1, was 10 – 9 in Mr B.F.F’s favor. Although Quintin, gave some wins on purpose and managed to win a few races to tie, Mr B.F.F still holds a 1 Win Lead against the American. They will be looking forward to resume their 1-v-1 rivalry in Part 2 of the New Tracks they haven’t played yet.

Well. The MK8D Part 2 is coming out soon! Stay tuned on our Team Website when the Highlights are complied. Early clips might be posted over to the Discord server, so do check it out if it gets dropped. As for you, leave a comment below, join the Discord Server and we’ll see you again soon!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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