Nintendo Switch Console Breaks Down, Mr B.F.F to Miss on Switch Online Fun

Console Setback caused Mr B.F.F to withdraw from Switch Games for a Day

Uh oh! Things are not looking good for Mr B.F.F now that something happened. This could be tricky since this could take days or weeks to fix. A Nintendo Switch Console breakdown.

Mr B.F.F had suffered a damaged Nintendo Switch Console where his Joycons are not charging at all. These issues may force Mr B.F.F to miss out on some Online fun on the Nintendo Switch due to his console not working and missing the essential components.

Here’s the breakdown of what went down. Mr B.F.F was beginning to suffer Console Overheating as a result of putting it in the dock. Last time, the temperature was normal and had no problems. Now it’s that time of season where it’s hot and Mr B.F.F wasn’t expecting it at all.

Why did the Nintendo Switch Console break down?

His console had suffered overheating problems several times. Despite not sleeping plugged in without the dock, the fatal overheat caused issues for Mr B.F.F for NSS Online. He was able to continue to play on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Mario Maker 2 with no problems. Mr B.F.F has no idea on why his console is currently overheating, since it was normal when it was on the dock.

He was due to play on Nintendo Switch Sports Online Friend’s Room with Gameboy and he participated in Bowling. Mr B.F.F managed to defeat both Quintin and Gameboy with 255 in the first round. He then pulls out on the second round, despite holding a lead momentarily with the console overheating on the dock once again, despite having it to charge since it was on 1%. Not sure why it happened yet again.

Then, the console overheated to a point where the Joycons stopped charging when attached to the console. Even trying to plug it in had no response. This caused Mr B.F.F to miss out on the rest of the NSS Online with friends. He missed the Golf and Soccer events due to his console failing.

Attempting to return, things took a turn for worse.

Mr B.F.F made his attempts to return but his Joycon Battery levels were all the way down to 0% so he could not play without the power necessary for him to participate. Also needing to fix his dock as well since he doesn’t want it to shut off on him as well. Simply put, he requires the Joycons to play and somehow, their battery levels are depleted despite charging them. He charges the console with the Joycons attached, and they do not charge along with the Console.

The console may have lost battery as well but was successfully recharged but without the Joycons having power. With that, he’s without his essential controls, though the touch screen works. It may require intense repairing, but Mr B.F.F can’t afford to do that.

His only alternate is a Joycon Charging Grip which charges the Joycons while playing. And to fix the overheating and damaged AC Adapter requires a replacement as well. He will also be looking into ways to keep the console cooler. He tried an icepack to warm the console but has feelings that it may break the console. Alternatives to consider.

How a busy schedule will impact Mr B.F.F…..

He will be forced to miss out on the Switch Online fun until his joycons are fixed and charged. A broken console, with the Joycons not charging is blocking his move. Mr B.F.F needs to be ready for what will happen next.

He will have to find another way of getting the Nintendo Switch Console he has to get it working again. In addition, he will have to shift to Wii U, and Wii Sports Club in particular once more. There are still Online Games going on there. He currently plays Tennis, Bowling and Golf and may shift to Baseball due to an increased interest.

Mr B.F.F feels like there’s nothing major yet on the Nintendo Switch but will be keeping an eye whether he will miss a game there is to come. He will currently miss out on Super Mario Maker 2, Nintendo Switch Online, Nintendo Switch Sports and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as they are the most played for the Team.

Mr B.F.F will also be busy for a little while but is looking to go out and get his equipment required for the Switch to work again. Though it may be tricky, he is looking to overcome some tough challenges to come. He has a tight schedule this week and is looking to finish all the tasks ahead before getting the equipment.

Surprisingly, Mr B.F.F woke up the next day to see other similar issues for now.

Team Member Quintin also had issues as well….

Quintin had a broken HDMI cable. Source: Discord

For their privacy, we will share the necessary context for this part. Quintin also had a little bit of problems running through their own Gaming Setup. When making changes to the TV, the HDMI cable got torn apart and it would no longer work. He missed out on Wii Sports Club for an entire day due to it. However, he still participated in Nintendo Switch Sports during that time. Quintin also lacked motivation to join our Google Meet since they were disappointed that they can’t play their games for the day.

Despite the setback, Quintin would come back with a new HDMI cable and he’s finally on the run fully once again with more Wii U and Nintendo Switch. He returned to the field today to play some more games. Now, Mr B.F.F needs to fix his problems now to get back to Online Switch Gameplay and more there. Hopefully all problems will be resolved and things will be up and running again.

How will this shake up? Please leave comments down below of what you think will happen. Don’t worry, he’s still got access to the 3DS and Wii U so there will be more Highlights from those games. We still have goodies from the Switch that we can also share from the past weeks and months as well. Please visit the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and more. Stay tuned for another article to come from this website! See you there!

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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