Online Friend Mario Kart 7 Game in Global Game!

Quintin officially meets up with Mr B.F.F for their first Online Games for the 3DS!

Mario Kart 7 blasted off with another Online Game once again. Not only playing it again but they also brought Quintin to join the games! Despite playing the games, Mr B.F.F’s 3DS was breaking down and there were some connection problems. The Online Game session was originally planned to be played on the Long Easter Weekend on Sunday. However, Quintin was busy during the time and could not show up.

Mr B.F.F had the time in the morning as well but couldn’t fit his schedule to play it. With both players charging up on an open day on a Tuesday, they finally played. In this post, there will be two unique games that we will share with you. With both players with nearly the same amount of VR, only one will prevail as the best for the Games presented today. Let’s take a look at today’s shot highlights of MK7!

Quintin with 997 VR? – An Epic Race Takes Off


Yes, there were connection issues as mentioned. Both players were trying to get through the Games but Quintin was able to join swiftly. Mr B.F.F got thrown off due to a connection error. As a result, broke down his 3DS, also booted off the Online. It only took a few minutes to get Mr B.F.F back up online after the error code issues kept looping. They got each other but was thrown off from the errors so Quintin was left in the room. However, when Mr B.F.F got back to play with Quintin once again, he still appears but shows a lower VR as usual. His original VR coming in was 1035 and Mr B.F.F with 1040.

We were wondering if it was a CPU playing or a Quintin imposter was playing. If anyone Mario Kart 7 professional players know how this happened, send us the feedback about this situation in the comments below. This is a very interesting moment that happened when Quintin left and had to be right back. This would be why that a Quintin Mii would show 997 VR instead of the 1035+ he had before the connection errors popped up for Mr B.F.F himself.

Meanwhile, during the game, he saw Quintin getting hit by the items and that he keeps changing positions as the race went on. Mr B.F.F struggled in an attempt, to take the top spot when the other and real players were faster and focused. He could not catch up after being hit and fellow players overtaking, slightly prompting a comeback from behind but it was not enough. This resulted in Mr B.F.F taking 4th and getting only 5 VR Points. This meant that Mr B.F.F would need to regain momentum if he wanted to push on and keep going.

Mr B.F.F with his First Ever 1st Place Win Online on Mario Kart 7!

Mario Kart 7 First PlacePin

Mr B.F.F finally unleashed a win after the players did not climb to the top of the ranking at the last moment. During the race, Mr B.F.F maintained pace and avoided the Blue Shell at all cost to retain the Top Spot when the race is about to finish. Mr B.F.F did not expect to be 1st as usual because the players always throws him off. It was only luck for him but he spoke too soon and this is how it happened.

An item that saved Mr B.F.F was the Tanooki Powerup. He uses it to avoid being hit by his fellow players. He avoided some of the shells and knocked out the players that were much faster than him. With a backup of three green shells, stopped a player overtaking him. As a result, Mr B.F.F climbed to 1st place and had to ace through the last few curves in the Track to take a sensational victory for the first time.

He reached a new Career-High on MK7 with 1st place as his best in an Online Global Game! Also dethroning Quintin in the process. He still leads 2 – 1 in their Match Results. Now it’s time for Mr B.F.F to get 1st in an Online Game on Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe! (Currently, a Career-High of 2nd!). Mr B.F.F praised the game as the best victory that he could ever and possibly score. After several mess-ups and a near perfect race if not for the Blue Shells, Mr B.F.F aced and performed well to get 1st this time around. Excellent driving and controlling for Mr B.F.F for the first time!

So who has the most VR at the end?

Despite Mr B.F.F’s games that occurred and the 1st place win, he earned well to get 1067 VR. After a bunch of disconnects left Quintin to race alone in the global game. During all of the races he was on, he had a mixed ranking result from his finished races, ranging from 2nd to 5th. He scored the VR well enough to overtake Mr B.F.F and collect even more, but when it comes to the races, Quintin slightly edged him in a few more races we did not present here (which we will in the next MK7 post).

Quintin is now 1 VR point away from 1100 and Mr B.F.F has some work to do if he wants to reach the Team Member. For now, it will all depend on Mr B.F.F and that he can play and win some good and positive races to add to his score.

That wraps up the Online Game Highlights for now…

Did you like today’s Online Highlights of Mario Kart 7? Let us know in the comments below and also if you like the game! Mario Kart 7 is part of the upcoming games being added to our Online Team Collection! This means that it will be played with fellow members normally when we officially add it! We also got one other post you could also check out from the same game we’ve written. Don’t forget to join the Community Discord server if you like to reach out with us. For now, please take care and we will be back with more articles soon.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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