Recently Promoted! CenturyBuilder reaches New Career-High of Level ★ 10!

CenturyBuilder has reached a new all time Rank of Level of ★ 10 and earned the prestigious status of Superstar Class in WSC Bowling. Mr B.F.F and Quintin went to his lobby to celebrate the promotion by pulling off a Perfect Game. Congrats CenturyBuilder and welcome to the Club of Elites! Check out the video of CenturyBuilder’s Winning Moment and Promotion!

His success led him to a small fanbase and community ahead of him. CenturyBuilder is praised by Team Members, Mr B.F.F and Macaroni. Quintin, who is a good friend of the Team has expressed opinions on CenturyBuilder for which he also added him as a friend on Discord. He has posted some videos showing his unique playing style and success on his very own YouTube channel such as the players he defeated and small Winning Moments, he proposes plans to do a Gameplay Length of Bowling Local and Training Modes in the coming months.

People have been reaching out to know some of the secrets of the Slowpoke, so he decided to let anyone request a meetup if anyone wants to know or play alongside the Slowpoker. With the experience in WSC Bowling, CenturyBuilder is grateful for the ranking and the players he has encountered. Why Online Games in particular? It will increase your experience points 2 times more than playing Local alone.

Will CenturyBuilder keep going or this is the end of the line?

Yes, it has confirmed that CenturyBuilder will continue. Still with no misses and perfect Slowpoke shots, there is no reason not to continue, with an seemly impressive form, he is able to increase his Play Data Wins and keep earning them back to back. During the encounters he had in several Online Games, CenturyBuilder is able to get 300 once again.

During the journey, CenturyBuilder had experienced some mild problems such as a broken or drifting controller forcing him to move right. It only got fixed with mild taps to the Right Pad. Another problem he encountered is when his Play Data got reset. A result of erasing the Save Data from the user, causing it to reset the numbers from 0. He wiped out his Play Data score and Pro Status from his experience. Prior to the deletion, he was at Level ★ 4, which would be 6 more levels to go, before achieving Superstar Class. He ultimately had to redo the entire Online Experience and Ranks from the Beginning. With winning 300, his experience regained quickly to the point where he qualified for Pro Status once again.

Now that’s a lesson that CenturyBuilder, himself will know from now on, is not to erase the files from the Storage! It affects all of the Ranks and Play Data. Because CenturyBuilder has now officially qualified for Superstar Class, and that it will stay like that, knowing the lessons, who will be next to qualify for Level ★ 10? Feel free to leave comments about your thoughts and feel free to request a gaming consultation with CenturyBuilder today for WSC bowling tips! See you later for the next post.

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player – Level ★ 10 in Bowling.

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