Super Mario Maker 2 Battle With Friends! The First One!

Mr B.F.F, Adier, Super Gameboy and Quintin play in their first Friendly Meet-Up in SMM2.

And we didn’t play until we figure out that all of us have another game that we can play on! Some Super Mario Maker 2 for the first time for the four! They tried to play their first game together and it showed plenty of results. There were also some moments before this Online Game that led to all four of them playing together!

Mr B.F.F is currently unavailable on his Main Account for Switch Online so he uses another account to get there. Meanwhile, Quintin, Adier and Super Gameboy would all join up to play for this Online! Boy, there will be plenty to cover so let’s take a look at we’ve got in store for today. Hope you enjoy these brand new Super Mario Maker 2 Highlights!

First, we will present the story of how all four got into the game, but in full. Have a good look at what’s happening. By the time Quintin reads this, Mr B.F.F is sure that he’s laughing. Enjoy!

Mr B.F.F gets introduced to Super Gameboy’s Super Mario Maker 2 Profile.

One day, Gameboy eventually got bored and really wanted to try out Mario Party. Mr B.F.F had declined as he wanted to play another game. Gameboy mentioned that they can share levels in Super Mario Maker 2. He accepted and then they eventually got trading to it! Mr B.F.F played Gameboy’s Level named Interesting Koopaling Boss Rush! Only two people and Gameboy have beaten the level. Mr B.F.F struggled to get through the level, failing to Larry and Wendy’s Level.

S. Gameboy’s first level uploaded. Interesting Koopaling Boss Rush.

A Server Maintenance stopped Mr B.F.F from trying again until the very next day. Mr B.F.F tried to go again but had the same result. Failed again. Also, Quintin overheard what Mr B.F.F was up to in a Google Meet and decided to play Super Mario Maker 2 to start off a new game he recently bought for himself.

Quintin begins Super Mario Maker 2.

Quintin was a name that was taken by other creators so he used Quintin298! Surprising. Meanwhile, Quintin wanted to try out our levels so Mr B.F.F was the first to send him a Level ID to his own Level!

Quintin played his first ever level! Named, Don’t Move! Auto Mario Again! He played it for the first time, miserably failing to it. Mr B.F.F quickly gave Quintin advice NOT to MOVE! He did follow the advice, and Auto Mario began it’s moving. He completes the level and then comments on it. Holy Macaroni!

Quintin took time off for a bit to record the level to put on his YouTube Channel. Mr B.F.F and Quintin immediately laughed when the video went up! Mr B.F.F posted the original video before Quintin which caused him to laugh so hard that he didn’t noticed that. Still given credit by Mr B.F.F as he played the level and recorded it, Mr B.F.F left a nice comment for him on the video Quintin posted.

What about the Gameboy Level?

After playing a few Mr B.F.F levels, Quintin took on Gameboy’s Level. Only to mess up. Gameboy was interested in seeing Quintin do his best on his level so he was invited to the Google Meet. Quintin was screwing up too many times that he gave up just like Mr B.F.F as well. He took on Gameboy’s Beat The Pom Pom level for which Quintin cleared it. Nice to see him get through Gameboy’s level!

Quintin went on to play other levels while he’s at it too. Adier wanted to join in the Meet after talking for a bit in our Community Discord Server. He hears that they are playing Super Mario Maker 2 and Gameboy wanted to play Multiplayer with Friends. Adier was the first to accept the request to play.

Surprising to know that he told us he has Super Mario Maker 2 as well! He launches the Game to join Super Gameboy’s room. Quintin and Mr B.F.F also joined in after they both got interested to play Multiplayer Online. And then, Mr B.F.F used his second account launch up SMM2. He played as Jack. Off they go to play a few levels!

And they play their first games Online together!

They began their first Online Game in a Super Mario 3D Land level! Out of the box, Quintin was the fastest to reach the goal pole. The Blue Toad got crushed by the Thwomp and struggled to get out… he recovered to run ahead to see what’s next before the game cuts to Quintin’s success for that round.

A different point of view showing that Quintin reached the Goal.

In the next game, they all saw a struggle in form. All of the players can’t even get past a Speedrun level, which is completely understandable. They struggled to bounce over the Piranha Plant and even continue to proceed through the level. The players were knocked out one by one trying to jump over the Piranha Plant. They all gave up after struggling a lot with that one.

Where there’s another winner, they won hard in the next levels

Mr B.F.F won an actual Four Player battle level where you have to be super fast. He was falling a little behind Gameboy but caught up to the lead. He catches the lead after ducking into a wall and sped through the Goal. That was his first clear. Gameboy was very close from reaching the Goal Post as he was touching it but did not make it in time before the animation played.

S. Gameboy reaches the pole, but just not quick enough on time!

In a final Multiplayer Level, they took on S. Gameboy’s Koopaling Course. The course that got Quintin and Mr B.F.F struggling. They had opening struggles in the first boss with Larry but carried on as a Team to take down all of the Koopalings in the Level. If one was left standing, they had to push hard to avoid re-doing the whole thing again. They fought hard and managed to avoid such a restart. Who was first in that Multiplayer Round? Gameboy reached the goal first to prevail first to the finish. They wrapped up their Multiplayer Games after this.

Conclusion and Thoughts of this Online Multiplayer Game!

Mr B.F.F praises the Multiplayer Game being fun and something that can be added on the Online Play list to do! Gameboy liked the second profile, adding that it’s interesting as well. Mr B.F.F will be looking to do all of this Multiplayer Fun with Friends Real Soon. It surely got Mr B.F.F intrigued and that a surge of interest has returned for that game. Quintin will also be doing Super Mario Maker 2 as well as his time persists. Hope to see more Highlights come from this game as well.

This ends today’s interesting Highlights. Don’t forget, we are sending out a Daily Reminder to go check out CenturyBuilder’s upcoming 100 Subscriber Wii Sports Club Bowling Online Special Video. The days go by very quickly to make that invite happen!

A cut off date to message CenturyBuilder is being made until the end of the month. The final three players are now forming upon the plenty of messages received. Please follow this page to learn how to participate and more information on the upcoming Page! Contact CenturyBuilder on Discord to request up today as soon as possible to secure that invite!

Please leave thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. What did you think of our special SMM2 Online Highlights! Also, please visit the Community Discord Server if you would like to talk with the Team Members and arrange Online Games with us, linked in the text. Leave us the thoughts and we’ll be back with all new posts coming then.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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