The WSC Report: A New Record, Three Players May Retire & More

Scouting Report: How have we contributed to Wii Sports Club as we head to the last two months of the year

Welcome back. Team B.F.F Gamers has collected some interesting news and updates on Wii Sports Club. In this report, we will be covering four new updates and highlights that has been announced and what we will be expecting in a few weeks time in this special WSC Report.

Last week, there hasn’t been a lot of activity of WSC last week but there has been some amazing updates, some announcements and even an event that we’ve made that will conclude an amazing season of fun and games of WSC.

In this post, we will look at some records, grinding moments and updates from our players for this game. Let’s check them all out right now.

1) Driver Challenge World Record is Finally Made!


Out of surprise, Quintin created history after waiting for many years. He has finally managed to score a World Record score in Driver Challenge. Quintin was in blazing form as he grinded back and forth to claim 9 10x scores for a Record-Breaking 900 score then achieved 47.5 more points. He jumped for joy after claiming a World Record once again.

After Mr B.F.F spent months in the Top Position of Quintin’s Friend’s Leaderboard, he would regain No. 1 from him and would settle a World Record, breaking J. Deane’s year-old 852.0 score in the process. He also captured a World Record he can now firmly hang on to after Marcus took his record on Fowl Dodgeball.

With so many wonderful achievements, he has gotten the praise of his community. Former Record holder J. Deane also commended the Young Superstar on the Record. Mr B.F.F praised Quintin as he was in attendance on Sunday’s Google Meet.

“That is absolutely insane. I’m in complete shock! I don’t think this will be easy to top down at all. After all, you deserve it, buddy! Congratulations on making 900 points possible!”

Quintin can finally step down out of Driver Challenge as he recorded a score that is far away from being dethroned. Seriously, we all have to congratulate Quintin for making it happen.

2) Miguel and Danny Successfully Grinds For Level Star 10 on WSC Tennis…


Remember when we’ve mentioned that Miguel returned to WSC? He’s now dedicated his time to playing the game more often. He lost his records since he last played the game and now returns to Pro Class glory. Miguel and Danny spent hours grinding for Star 10 on Tennis. After Miguel was stuck in Star 7 only earning just 1 experience point for a win, he took matters into his own hands.

He started playing online together with Danny and would have to let the server time out in order to earn 10 experience points for every time out victory. After making it possible, he grinded real hard to achieve Level Star 10. Also did the same with Danny, in addition, with Multiplayer.

They also took it over to Baseball where they basically done the same process. The two boys achieve Star 10 in Baseball as well. Has the grinding paid off? Well, considerably, noting that in Tennis, he’s found a way to get over it rather than getting, just 1 point per victory. All in all, good job to Miguel for working on hard on the Star 10 grind.

3) Quintin, Miguel and Marcus All Considering Retirement


Speaking of which, Team Members Quintin, Miguel and Marcus are considering putting the Wii Motion Plus down early. Recently, the Team B.F.F Gamers Press recently found out in an interview that the three players are considering Retirement, before the Online Servers are to shut down.

Quintin stated that he does not have enough interest to continue though he will still play with the Team. Not having enough interest overall to continue meaning that he may retire early. He recently set a World Record in Driver Challenge and that’s the best way to conclude an amazing career on WSC. Quintin, however, expressed he will participate in our Tennis Event. More info on that is down below this post.

Miguel stated that he may consider retirement after our Tennis Event. He stated that he’s pretty much on top of grinding for stamps and levels. Miguel has came back to the game after he returned to a Live Stream, joined our Team and started playing! He also added this: “It was nice playing the game again and improving [on Wii Sports Club once again].”

Another player, Marcus has also expressed his thoughts on Retirement, stating that it’s a dead game, noting that the Online Servers are going down. It looks as if he is putting the Wii Remote down early on the game before servers are to go down. No word on an official confirmation yet.

These players have done an amazing job contributing to Wii Sports Club. Mr B.F.F stated that he praised the fellow players for creating history and Online Games that we will all expect, will last a lifetime!

4) A WSC Year-End Event Is Set For Play!

WSC Tennis CourtPin

The WSC Tennis Field will be hyped with an event created by the Team. This event features eight unique players who made contributions to WSC Online this year and they will be battling it out on this special Tennis event. Eight players already made it and will be facing off in a few weeks. The winner of this virtual online event will win a virtual trophy, a business card printed with their Mii Character and experience points.

The eight players consists of Team Members of Mr B.F.F, Quintin, Miguel, Surrey and many more. With the eight players set, it will be a thrilling tennis ride. What’s next is to develop the Draw of the players. The first matches may begin until Thursday, November 16th. This is the inaugural event and may be considered, the only event to take place as the Online Servers close next year.

The event is scheduled for Mid-Late November-December 2023 and is held virtually online. For more information about the rules, scores and updates, visit this website here. This would be the Event Info website where you can see how our eight players perform!

Thanks for reading this special report, these are some of the YouTube channels you may want to focus on this week and here is our Team’s Social Media profiles, if you want to check them out. Also check out more Wii Sports Club blog posts we’ve made as well.

The Team’s YouTube Channels you may want to focus viewing on:

Follow Team B.F.F Gamers on Social Media:

Pinterest: TeamBFFGamers
Ko-fi: TeamBFFGamers
Twitch: TeamBFFGamers
And we’re also on a Discord Server.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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