Top 3 Best Things CenturyBuilder Has Done

Highlighting the best Highlights, Moments and the Fun that CenturyBuilder has brought

You gotta love CenturyBuilder who is a professional Slowpoker on Bowling so far. He one of the Original Team Members here in Team B.F.F Gamers and has contributed to the website and has been building his YouTube Channel. Although he is busy at the moment, his content has gotten some attention. Mr B.F.F and Quintin’s friends and fans have checked out CenturyBuilder’s channel and more subscribers and viewers have came to make their visit to his channel. His Bowling videos have gone recommended, with his latest video reaching 1,000 views once again.

The Recommended gave him encouragement to continue creating his Slowpoke Bowling videos as a result from the viewers going up. Going strong, CenturyBuilder will be looking to continue the content creation on the platform as possible. With out further ado, let’s take a look at the Top Three Best Moments of what he has done on our Team. Welcome back to Team B.F.F Gamers with a new post.

3. Getting Wii Sports Resort to Play a Perfect There


He manages to try Wii Sports Resort for the first time to share with us! We presented an Article you can look here, that CenturyBuilder got his hands on Wii Sports Resort, following a Thrift Store community post from Mr B.F.F. Team Member, Mr B.F.F got his hands on his own copy and has appealed to CenturyBuilder to get the game. He got WSR and immediately got to play Bowling.

Though the format of Bowling is same to Wii Sports Club, though different colors, graphics and announcers, the controls nearly differed. He took his ultimate WSR Test on 10-Pin Bowling. CenturyBuilder needed to plug in an actual remote in hopes that he can do the Slowpoke, truly slow and straight. It did work out and he is still not missing on the Slowpoke shot. He manages to get the 12 slow throws to capture another Perfect Game, but on Wii Sports Resort for the first time.

Although he did get the Perfect, he does not know his immediate future of Content towards Wii Sports Resort. There is no online functionality on WSR. He has considered plans for Spin Control and 100-Pin Bowling but has not established a structure to create a video there yet. We will be updating you on what CenturyBuilder thinks.

You can watch the video of his Perfect Game on Wii Sports Resort Bowling here.

2. CenturyBuilder can do Golf!

CenturyBuilder's Winning MomentPin

Yes. As you may have already known that CenturyBuilder is great at Golfing. He made his early debut in Wii Sports Club Golf Online in a Game against fellow Team Member, Quintin. He lost to an interesting game after an undershot on Hole 9 into the Water gave the Win over to Star 10 Quintin. After the upset, he would then rebound in Game #2 after Quintin’s mistakes costed him a Win to CenturyBuilder. They are both tied 1 – 1 a piece on WSC Golf. He loved the two games he played on and is looking to do another game with Quintin in the near future, to break the Head-to-Head tie as well. You can read the Highlights in this Article here.

Yes! CenturyBuilder also has done NSS Golf Online before during Mr B.F.F Online Game with Friends! Unfortunately, he did not farewell in the games he continuously finished 3rd in the games with Team Members, Mr B.F.F and Quintin. Though he has worked hard to finish in the Trial Mode session with his fellow CPU players. It was easy for him to finish, although one CPU got into his nerves. He only caught up to his CPU rival for which they then tied!

It was onto the Closest Pin segment where they battled for the first time. They finished with a Closest to Pin which a shocking result from Sandra who did not actually hit it well but it was ultimately CenturyBuilder who won with 9.91 ft. Image is shown above. CenturyBuilder did participate in more sessions of Survival Golf and did perform better and his CPU fell once after. He is looking to do more golfing later on as well.

1. CenturyBuilder gets a Perfect Game on Switch Sports!


Yes, also to note that the Slowpoker does have Switch Sports, he gets to try out Bowling with it! Though the slowpoke throw is much more harder to do since the Joycon controls are different. The slowpoke would usually curve away from the Middle which you can’t get a strike on, though it’s possible to strike with the slowpoke.

Unfortunately he can’t do the slowpoke well as it seems as it misses. He needed to restart and play through the throws normally to get the 300 Game. He successfully gets the Perfect Game as usual and finished with a Flourish method to get there. This is the only time he has gotten the Perfect prior to a few game updates. Even though he missed the pins on Switch Sports, he continues to NEVER MISS on Wii Sports Club Bowling Online as per his channel description that he never misses. You can watch his only Switch Sports video posted so far on his YouTube channel here.

That’s all for the list! Next time we see CenturyBuilder come and play, he will return to WSC Bowling to begin finding new players in a brand new environment now. We also expect his Bowling Numbers to go up as well. Meanwhile, considering the facts, one question is that if the Slowpoker can find players online after the eShop closure? We’ll have to find out for ourselves.

Thanks for having me on to present to you all!

So how well did CenturyBuilder do? Am I still doing awesome? Sure hope you believe me! I am doing very well. If you enjoy this post, you will sure like what else I’ve written in my Member Room. We hope you enjoy the Top Moments list. Feel free to drop your feedback in the comments below. Join the Team Discord Server where you can reach out to us, and consider booking a consultation with the Slowpoker today. Thank you for having me on once again and maybe I will come back again soon.

Featured Author/Member: CenturyBuilder

CenturyBuilder is a professional Wii Sports Club bowler, and Blog Poster mainly devoted to WSC Bowling. Known for his Classy Slow and Straight Shots that always gives him Strikes and the Perfect 300 Game. He is currently ranked as the Superstar Class Player โ€“ Level โ˜… 10 in Bowling.

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