Two More Games to Highlight! The Real Deal Baseball Outlook

Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball returns with more games to cover…

We got two more games to share from this game we covered three times now. We will see if it is the Real Deal Baseball Games we are looking at. We’ve already looked into some of the Baseball games as we can relate to… These games have a good grip with using the Controls on the 3DS. Meanwhile, in WSC, you play baseball with the Wii Remote and you swing it just like you would with the bat. Both games focus on reaction time and these next two games will explain them all.

In addition, there are also some interesting elements that we like as well! The gameplay, the music and the instructions of how to play it. Really simple and easy and we got them covered in our view. It will all be explained as we take a look at the two games right now.

The Real Deal Baseball Game? Bat and Switch (easy…)


Bat and Switch is considered to be the most easiest game to complete all of the challenges, including the hard ones. The objective is really simple. Swing the bat and hit the ball. The better the hit, the more points you get. That case, the best is 3 points, then 2 and finally 1 point. It all depends how well you swing. Three points is essential since it gives you more points and you will get a good Grade if you do.

Told you! It’s a relatively simple game. There is some fun stirred up to make the challenges a little tricky. There could be two pitchers and you have to hit all of the Baseballs for it to count. Miss one and you lose a Heart. The pitches could also go fast as well! This can impact how much points you get unless you adapt to the the pitch speed. The pitcher can also play ball tricks on you, though you must still hit it. So, what’s the overall goal? You must hit the ball at the right time. Reaction timing is a key to winning it.

A unique challenge is batting away the bomb ball and hitting UFOs with the timing of the pitch. They make things more spicier in the Challenges. Then, in the Hi-Score Derby modes, the A version combines all elements into one. It starts off easy at first, but then gets harder as you go win more points.

Thoughts from this game by any chance?

Mr B.F.F manages to achieved both A+’s on the Derbies A and B. Set B, a continuous hit the ball and a keep going challenge. You just keep pushing on to score enough points for the Grade to go up. One slip would make the game go over and you will have to start your rallies in the beginning starting at Zero.

Truly a Real Deal? It sure is. In fact, Mr B.F.F does agree with this! A very simple game for beginners and this is definitely a go to get. In addition, you also have access to the demo game, meaning that you can play the first 6 challenges in that game before you upgrade to the Full Version of the game. Although the eShop is closed, you still get the glimpse of the Demo Game to see what it was like in Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball!

Mr B.F.F also praises the music in the game, especially for the Level 1 Music since it has an enjoyable beat and rhythm to it. Makes the game pop up a little bit more in his opinion. His favorite aspect of the Bat and Switch game.

You “Make the Call!”, a unique game!


Yes! You become the umpire in this game! It is as simple as making the call on the touch screen and it responds with a STRIKE! 1!. The voices do sound unique to it’s game for sure. The controls and instructions fit well with the game. So for this game though, you must make the right call and get the Runs at Bat (probably RBI here too) reached in order for the Challenge to be complete. It starts off easy with knowing where to recognize if it’s a Strike or a Ball. If the ball is within the Strike Zone, that counts as a Strike, and then if it’s outside that zone, it’s a Ball. Easy to recognize! There are eventually a few more calls to make.

In addition to the Strike and Ball calls, comes Foul Ball and Dead Ball. If the batter hits the ball but comes in contact lightly where it doesn’t go up, then it’s a Foul. We simplified that for this game. A dead ball is where the batter gets hit by the ball completely. The game considers that a Dead Ball. A little bit trickier but it’s simple to make the call once you get used to it. Especially for the Balls and Strikes.

More challenges from this game also includes how many strikes and outs they had so far which you MUST remember, and even occasionally. Fouls do count as strikes too so be careful. There is also a Challenge where you have to determine the type of pitch used such as the Slider, Screwball, you name it. That is also in the Hi-Score Derby modes as well.

What do we think about this game?

Mr B.F.F is able to ace the easier parts of the Challenges. Although he has managed to complete all of the challenges in this game, he really had to get used to it. Is this a recommend? Mr B.F.F would recommend it if you are learning how to become an umpire with this interactive game. Calls can be tricky to shout out but with practice, you will have confidence in the Baseball field.

Fortunately, this also comes out as a Game Demo as well, so you can play the first few challenges in this game as well. Though you can’t unlock it once you got the other games out and purchased. There is a possibility you can advance through the story and still unlock the Game Demo. We haven’t heard but this could actually be true if we are right. Let us know in the comments down below if you know what happened. For now, this is a recommend for some users though the Game Demo which you can play on for free doesn’t come out until later.

Thanks for reading another review of Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball! More games to follow in the next posts. You can look at the previous part right here if you want to read it. For now, please leave a comment down below of your thoughts and feedback. Don’t forget to join the Community Discord Server for more great updates! But for now, we will be seeing you all next time for a new post! Take care for now.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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