Yet Another Albatross and More WSC Golf Highlights!

Mr B.F.F records a second Albatross of WSC Online 2023.

Welcome back! It’s been a while since we’ve presented some more Golf Highlights for you. All of these Golf Highlights for today are playing in the Early Days of June. Let’s take a look at what we got. Some great scores, players involved and even some moments that caught our attention in Wii Sports Club Golf.

These Highlights also includes an Albatross moment for the second time! The first one featured on Crazy Moments was made on May 29th, with Adier being present in it, and now he witnesses it for the second time! Surprising to see once more! Let’s jump straight into the action with the first game, which is the Albatross.

The Second Albatross on Golf Highlights! Recorded on June 13th, 2023.

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Yet, Mr B.F.F held a Bogey en route to winning a game with an Albatross. Mr B.F.F showed no problems in getting the first two holes. He experimented with a Birdie Flag Shot on Hole 2. Though he would miss a Flag Shot Eagle on Hole 3. He suffers an Out of Bounds and decides to go back to play safe and avoid damaging his score. Adier attempted to do a Flag Shot Eagle but also failed. He tried a few more times before missing once more.

He suffered a Triple Bogey after the miserable attempts to get a Flag Shot. Maybe because he saw how Mr B.F.F pulled off the Flag Shot in style and Adier wants to try again. Adier had continued struggles, especially on Holes 5, 6 and 7 where he saw Two Bogeys and even had a +5 on Hole 7. Shocking moment! Despite three birdies, he did not get out of the Plus Side and had +7 still. Darn.

Mr B.F.F records a second Albatross for WSC Online 2023 on the same hole! (Hole Classic 9). He uses a 7 Iron under intense North Winds to get the Ball rolling to the Hole. It got into the hole and gave him an Albatross once more. Adier even had Eagle on Hole 9 but it still wasn’t enough. Mr B.F.F pushed on at the last second to get a -9 in the Final. Crazy performance! S. Gameboy and Adier praised Mr B.F.F for the Albatross achievement for the second time.

At the end, it was a satisfactory performance and that he regained momentum and kept 1st all the way to the finish. Not 5 stars but he aims to do more better as well!

Winning over WiiUโ˜…JD in 3 Holes Random!

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Mr B.F.F wins over his fellow WSC Clipper and fellow Chip Shot master JD in 3 Holes Random. You can view their YouTube channel to check them out, and view their awesome WSC Golf Shots! For this game, Noting that things can be tricky, Mr B.F.F managed to hang on to the lead, utilizing strategies from previous Online Games to win this one. Had to be ready for this one. JD had his practice so he was ready well enough to play this one. Though sometimes, he makes mistakes.

They had Classic B and Mr B.F.F was first to take the shot. He used the 3 Wood Strategy from OG and it work successfully, passing through the Bunker into the green. JD tried to do the same thing, but his attempt went through the Bunker. He missed a Chip-In Birdie, leading Mr B.F.F to convert a Birdie and One Point Lead over JD. They moved on to Hole 5 where Mr B.F.F managed to loop across the Fairway, avoiding the Bunker to the green by the Third Shot.

JD was in the Bunker again and could not make an Eagle. Mr B.F.F extends further with an Eagle Putt to take a Two Point Lead. With the final hole, being considered a Lock Game, Mr B.F.F further progressed with a fine shot to the green, and taking a careful putt for a Birdie. JD also got a Birdie on the Sixth, giving him a score of -2.

Mr B.F.F once again, praised this game in particular for reaching, yet another -4 on Classic B. It’s easy to pull off only if you get the right shots. In this one, he got the right shots, so that’s something to be happy about. This was his third consecutive -4 on Classic B online.

A Newcomer Moment, They Tried Their Best


Rafael, was next to take the stage on Golf, after the Team did Bowling with them. Unfortunately, it was a struggle for the Level 1 player as he had multiple issues. The Only Moment for them was the Par they had on Hole 1 since he was going to miss for a Bogey early in the game. Additionally, he missed on Hole 2. He was going for a Wedge Shot on the Fringe, and then the Ball went into the Hole and then jumps out. It caught Mr B.F.F, S. Gameboy and Rafael’s attention. That was close even he was speechless. “Unfair!”. Everything else, was too struggling to see.

Mr B.F.F managed to reel a near Perfect Birdie/Eagle Game with the Par being on Hole 8 as usual. He converted 3/4 Eagles on the way for a -11. What a performance once again from Mr B.F.F. S. Gameboy nearly showed great performance and had the Birdie Putt on Hole 8 successfully done. He reached to yet another -7. He neared his record once more.

Rafael, in this game had 3rd. Mr B.F.F praised him for trying his best. Keeping his head up high, he walked away having a fun game with the Team Members as he got to experience our players deliver the High Quality performances in the Online Golf Game as usual. S. Gameboy earned experience points on his way to a Level โ˜… 10 Ranking.

S. Gameboy reaches 2nd โ˜… 10 Ranking on Golf Highlights!


S. Gameboy records more History. Another Level Star 10. Only the second person, after Adier to achieve the incredible ranking on Golf. He is now in the Elite Club for Golf after he played a bunch of games and earn experience points along the way. This is his second โ˜… 10 rank for any sport in Wii Sports Club.

They took their grind on 3 Holes Random, in which Gameboy saw up to 20+ experience points being awarded if he had done well and scored Birdies back to back. 3 Holes Random was significantly easier and quicker than 9 Holes Classic so they went to grind on there. Though sometimes the Par would get on his way, he still gets some good points.

However, S. Gameboy can easily become unsure whether he will drop experience, if he has a Bogey or predicts he will do bad. If that happens, he will rage quit out of the game, to ensure that he does not drop Skill Points should he fail miserably. At the end, only 1 was needed and S. Gameboy delivered more Birdies as possible. Even getting 1st place with the help of Mr B.F.F who wanted to screw up badly for them. This didn’t change the outcome significantly but they took nearly a whole afternoon in attempt to grind for Gameboy’s Star 10 Ranking.

When he reached Star 10, he finally made it and was hyped to earn it. Mr B.F.F and Quintin, who was also in attendance, praised Gameboy for the moment. He deserves the Star 10 ranking. Next players are Surrey and Macaroni for the ranking as they are both on Pro Class and the Star Rank. Great Games and well done to the players who did well and participated on Golf all this and last week!

Hope you enjoyed reading today’s post!

Please leave thoughts and feedback in the comments of this post below. Meanwhile, More Wii Sports Club Golf Highlights will be coming in as well. More of these posts from Wii Sports Club can followed through this link here. And finally, please visit the Communityย Discord Serverย if you would like to talk with the Team Members and arrange Online Games with us, linked in the text. More Highlights including some future Golf Highlights and Posts will be in development soon.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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