Mr B.F.F’s Story: The WSC Impact: It Has Revived Me as a Creator

A lot of convincing and participation gave confidence back to the British Columbia Club player. Opening up to new viewers by also playing WSC!

Mr B.F.F emerges out of not just golfing videos. Though many were inspired by the likeness of clipping the best moments on Wii Sports Golf, it has made other fellow creators do the same, an impact. They have achieved successful numbers. Not bad for a community to share the best moments of golf clips, including WSC Golf.

Mr B.F.F enjoyed a nice history of posting golf clips. They had achieved a number of views, and had made an impact to posting them. When Mr B.F.F wanted to expand further, he wanted to rebrand the content. His plan was to expand to different games, but staying with Wii Sports, he went ahead to record some of the other sports in the game.

Where the Impact all began… support from viewers.

During the time when Mr B.F.F posted his golf clips, he got an interesting comment from a fellow regular viewer, Quintin. His support has really changed Mr B.F.F’s course of content creation and the love for games.

The first ever comment from Quintin, which created a long story to success.

At that point, Quintin helped out Mr B.F.F by showing support, playing online games and giving encouragement. The keys to success were finally there. Mr B.F.F went on to lunge on legitimate scores once again on WSC. Recently, two years ago, a disaster spilled on Mr B.F.F. There were several downs, and a loss of records on his Wii U. He fought back the battle and had to legitimately get his scores back on Wii Sports Club after it was erased.

And so the mission to revive the scores and play data were underway. Mr B.F.F spent several months, playing in over 1000+ online games in order to see the results return. Recovery was much successful once after.

With the Bowling scores back up, Perfect 10 Pin and 100 Pin games, and that he’s improved upon a score of -14 on 9 Holes Classic for Club, he worked extremely hard for it. And without anything to manipulate those factors. He also went on to play Online, which was also popular at the time.

Going back to Wii Sports Club grass roots were not that easy. Finding players on Club were very unique back then and still is today. It has brought in a whole new generation. Mr B.F.F saw some opportunity to play along. Live streams from the game went on and gave some interest. Those included fellow long time content creators as well. Mr B.F.F encountered some great content creators, for which he’s brought home, memorable victories.

Showing the skills in online.


This happened to be the first ever match-up with Quintin. As time progressed, more fellow players joined in. He even got to meet up with core viewers that make up our Team as well. Participating with fellow creators and showing the skills resulted in praise for effort. He even got to see the day where a fellow Content Creator has reached out to him to play some games together.

When the live streams went on, Mr B.F.F carried the momentum to winning some great games. Bowling had to be the most popular sport where there’s players active. He’s been doing the slowpoke strike strategy. He has recently been careful utilizing it, since there has been immense feedback about it, though there were positive comments about that particular strategy.

He’s also practiced on Tennis, where he’s maintained dominance for months, and on Golf where he has kept the effort going with good scores in Online Games, and learning from ups and downs about it. He has praised Golf to be one of the best Online Sports where it takes time and effort into it. All the work came in, but not without the help of viewers’ support and their skills in the Online Games we carry out.

The Impact as time progressed.

Simply put, Mr B.F.F’s participation and skills has received positive comments and some feedback from viewers who have been watching his key elements to a great play, winning or losing a game, it still creates an impact. Also even on and off live streams, he’s gotten very positive comments about the performances he’s receiving. Content creators and viewers would also see the moment when he pops in to play. Most of them will recognize Old AJ to the one and only, Mr B.F.F. An interesting impact and story that came with it too.

And this happened to be Mr B.F.F’s latest game in 100-Pin Bowling on WSC.

After taking occasional breaks from WSC, Mr B.F.F still shows interest in the game and loves to participate with people, working on improving the Play Log, getting some wins and sometimes, improve scores. And of course, he still expresses a lot of interest until the game’s online functionality comes to a close. He’s gonna be ready for the finale night of WSC.

“If it wasn’t for WSC, I would have not met many fellow players, and members of the community, including the most notable people I never would have though I’ve gotten a chance to talk with. It’s such an amazing honor. Thank you, everyone.”

Outside of Wii Sports Club, he’s got a group and actively plays other games.

Meanwhile, during working on a rebrand, Mr B.F.F even got to venture on new games with some friends whom he’s played against on WSC. Since he’s got his Switch in 2019, he’s also picked up games such as Mario Party Superstars, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Switch Sports and many more.

Mr B.F.F was able to expand content to other games on the main channel and even on the Archive Channel. Received some interesting friend requests and many messages and feedback came in as a result. All while staying active to play with friends and viewers. He even got along with friends to play some entertaining online games and also has been watching YOUR content, as an enthusiastic viewer too!

As long as he stays active, then he’ll enjoy the rebranding and that he can get somewhere with building some new content that people would consider watching. Wherever he goes, you can easily recognize Old AJ, as Mr B.F.F. I guess the impact is there.

After writing this post, it’s time I shared with you my story of how such a game could create something, I never would have though would build upon a community, and with constructive criticisms and feedback at times when they slipped, this has certainly changed the way how I post.

A collection of our archived WSC blog posts are available. Otherwise, we’ve got a whole ton of posts that you can also check out too!

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Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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