What’s next for Mr B.F.F to get? Super Mario Party Planned…

The Team will be waiting on Mr B.F.F to get a game so that he can play along with his Team Members.

Hello folks. Welcome back to Team B.F.F Gamers. I know, our previous post was on Mario Party Superstars. But some of you have been thinking that I should get Super Mario Party. Well, you’re in luck because I now have plans to settle for a copy myself, and we’ll see how things go with that.

I have received plenty of feedback, messages, texts about why I should get Super Mario Party. Some of them were very interesting. Even Christy, wanted me to take a chance on getting the game. Just previously in December, I’ve gotten my hands on Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics. It supports the same online functionality just like usual Switch games.

So what’s gonna happen, and what else came through?

When Mr B.F.F (me / I) will get the copy of Super Mario Party, which is still possible to buy today, then it will be a game listed on our Team’s list of games, that we can all play. It may take days, weeks, or even months since the main leader is also busy with personal stuff going on.

During that time, Quintin and Super Gameboy got to try out a session together of Super Mario Party online. I got to listen on into the session they were doing. It seemed intriguing. I have also taken a look into the gameplay on YouTube and some elements had me interested too. There was online, so I definitely knew that this was a game I could play with friends too.

I’ve also heard from a content creator we usually get in touch with, claiming Super Mario Party is their least favorite. They kept the game stored for play, only if they are invited with friends in this purpose. Though it will be possible for them to play the game again for fun. And also, Mr B.F.F is willing to participate in a session for that game in the near future.

After some consideration, and some convincing, Mr B.F.F plans to get the game. Stay tuned for updates, maybe who knows if this can be pulled off. I’m sure my team members will be excited to hear the news when I get it and that we can settle for an online session, and one for the Team blog.

Also, what even happened to the previous session of Mario Party Superstars, the other day?

You were asking that question too. That was absolutely fun as well. The Team has praised another brilliant session of Mario Party Superstars as one of the greatest games ever played once again.

The session was Woody Woods in 30 Turns. The game was praised for the competitiveness, energy, game performances, and sense of humor. It has been considered by the Team, as one of the group’s greatest sessions ever. The team was in a group call in addition to playing the game, which nearly lasted for 3 hours. The fun was carried until 9:10 PM PST, 11:10 PM CST which was one of the longest night session for the Team.

The session included some funny moments when the players landed on Item Spaces that it triggered Quintin so much since he had a hard time landing on one, himself. The players also got hands on Skeleton Keys. They call it a “Friend” to the game. In addition, they sing the song from “Toy Story”, You Got A Friend In Me, when they collect a Skeleton Key, which made things funny.

Things were very entertaining.

One funny part was Quintin’s continued rage over the Item Spaces. They were funny and entertaining at the same time. There were unusual plays but some were even strategic. It had all of the finest elements. Mr B.F.F commented on the game. “It was probably the most entertaining, despite the ups and downs. The energy of the players were fantastic and the outcome would have not been greater than this. S. Gameboy deserves the victory. He played very well.”

In that game, Super Gameboy emerged victorious, just needing 1 star out of three to defend his reign as a Superstar. He’s a two-time winner and his hoping to go for three in a row. Mr B.F.F came in very close needing a Bonus Star to tie that count, since he has more coins than everyone.

He was in line for the rich bonus, but Super Gameboy had been eligible for more Bonus Stars than anyone else. (Shopping, Item, Event and Red Spaces were his eligible stars.) If Super Gameboy keeps up this pace, he will be well ahead to win more titles.

While the game was one of the greatest, the Team even spun up a Watch Party to relive all of the good moments and to catch up on what’s missed. They all found it entertaining for sure. There are also a ton of elements that the Team has noted for a future game.

Results of the game in Woody Woods. (30 turns.)

And so, the show must continue.

The next time that the Team plays Superstars, they will continue to find some confidence in the field. The group’s next board on Mario Party Superstars, will most likely be Yoshi’s Tropical Island, which Nilly missed out on when he withdrew from Tuesday’s session with us. If we provide an update on the Blog, please stay tuned for that.

A game replay of the session is available, but for the sake of our full game viewing protections and such privacy reasons, we cannot link the full video. Please send us a message on our socials, if you would like to see the tape of the whole game that is now archived.

That’s all of the news for now. Meanwhile, we got some archived Mario Party Superstars posts that you can check out. Want to see a few Mario Party Superstars posts on this website? Check out this category here to look at what we’ve posted for that game. Otherwise, we’ve got a whole ton of posts that you can also check out too! Thanks again!

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And we’re also on a Discord Server.

Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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