The Team’s Top Five Tips That Can Change Mario Party Superstars

Some strategies that you can know about when you play Party Mode with friends!

A special post from our Team. Each member gave their best tips and strategies in mind if you want to be a Mario Party Superstars master. The game mostly comes from chance, and you can manipulate the results so it goes in your favor. Here’s FIVE tips to get you rolling. If you like these tips, please drop a comment below of your thoughts.

5. Here’s an interesting advice to warm things up. Have you ever noticed the sound of the Blue Space when you land on it? A Hidden Block!

This is a quick tip, but examine the sound very carefully when you land on a normal Blue Space. You should hear the sound of when you usually land on a Lucky Space or Item Space, but instead on the Blue Space. That’s when you know you have found a Hidden Block. Hidden Blocks usually coins or a Star on it. If you do get lucky, that is something to remember!

Pay close attention to the sound that the Blue Space makes.

You could probably pay attention to the sound the blue spaces make to know whether you get a hidden block, or not.

4. Warm up with Minigames before you play with real people.

Practicing Minigames, even the ones you like will give you good practice before actually doing them with friends. I’m sure your friends can master them but you can find a way to prevail if you get to learn and practice them out. There are a dozen variety games from the past, and there’s a lot to learn. You can go to Mount Minigames and try out Free Play. There you can also choose to see the instructions of that particular game, and what’s the objective of the game.

If you do pretty well, you should be able to master the Minigames, and will eventually get a chance to earn the Minigame Bonus star if you do extremely well than everybody else in your party. You can sprint to dominance, and also earn more coins for well played minigames!

3. Figure out how to get the Bonus Stars you want.

It is possible to win all three Bonus Stars yourself.

Another part of the tips that you can try, is that Bonus Stars are a crucial way to seal a victory in a game. Try to find a way to earn Bonus Stars, and try to keep track of what progress you made so far, in regard to bonus stars.

For example, you can earn the shopping bonus if you are the player who purchases more items than others in the entire game. This is the easiest way of winning a bonus star even if you have lots of coins to spare, and if you are not in need of an item. In this case, try to buy a Skeleton Key, a Mushroom or Cursed Dice Block, for example. They cost 3 coins in the shop, and you may find something useful for it.

Bowser Spaces and Event Spaces and even Red Spaces can be earned as a Bonus Star if you land on it the most times than anyone else. Though Bowser Spaces are risky to land on, you may find it beneficial in regards to the bonus stars, so do take the risk if you have guts!

Also remember, Minigame Bonus reflects on the amount of wins, not the coins you’ve earned from minigames. And 30 turns will hand out three bonus stars, rather than two for 25, 20, 15, and 10 turns.

2. Stay behind from the lead, or even work your way into a tie as possible.

Very detailed tips, and this one is thought out. There’s a strategy behind this because, when Mr B.F.F was leading with four stars in Space Land, he openly dominated the first 10 turns out of 20. That all fell down after his stars was stolen by Boo, changed by Chance Time and so on. Thus, he gave up his first place victory. Being 1st makes you a leader of the game but your reign can be over, if you don’t defend it well, thus this strategy comes into play. 

There are two strategies to prevent this, first, settle for a tie result, aka the same amount of stars. Though it is close, you will benefit from multiple chances to win the game if it’s a tie. If you have Bonus Stars ON, you should focus on winning the bonus stars. The tips from the bonus stars are already given so you should figure out how to work on getting them.

Two, staying behind from the lead will give you much leg room in the early stages as you probably have nothing to lose when landing on Chance Time or a Bowser Space, but you will need to work hard on getting stars, and earning coins before you can win. If a player has a huge lead, make sure you plan ahead for the number of turns remaining to settle a strategy to take them out of the lead.

They can be setting yourself up to meet Boo and steal a star, rolling with dice blocks to reach a star and another, or landing on Chance Time in hopes of switching the outcome around. It is what you make it, so make it the best comeback game you would ever have!

1.  Utilize Chance Times at the Right Moment!

You can manage to get a Star Swap if you know the pattern of Chance Time very well.

Chance Times are a way to manipulate the game’s result. You should probably consider landing on the space yourself, but have to ensure you can reach it on your next turn, also using dice blocks, such as a cursed or a custom to ensure you land on it. If you haven’t been using it enough, then you are lessening the chances to win, even from behind. There’s a pattern to examine when the three block roulettes begin. 

There’s something unique about the middle block. After you begin chance time, mash A repeatedly, and you will get the Star Left. It’s just a matter of getting yourself on the left to receive a star. If everyone else has a star, then you should be guaranteed to get one, at the cost of someone owing you a star. You should probably tackle the first place leader, but if for some reason you want to grab a star from somebody else, you are more than welcome.

Also, there are other combinations you could probably get. There’s a star swap, coin and star swap and even both Star and Coin Swaps. You will have to memorize the pattern of the Chance Time in order to get them. There’s a good source you can watch on how to memorize and get the combination you want to get.

There’s a great YouTube video detailing how Chance Time works. We will link it as a great source for you to check out.

That is our list of Top 5 strategies and tips to get you started. We hope you find some luck when you return to gameplay. Feel free to check us out on our blog for some more Mario Party Superstars updates. Thanks for reading!

All Mario Party Superstars posts and game highlights on this website is available to read on our blog. Otherwise, we’ve got a whole ton of posts that you can also check out too!

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Featured Author/Member: Mr B.F.F

Mr B.F.F is a professional WSC and NSS player who has made impressive moments in his run. He serves as an editor-in-chief for Team B.F.F Gamers. The goal is to preserve the best Highlights, News and Moments for you all to see. With a growing Discord community, experience with Blogging and Mastering Online Games, he builds upon a tight schedule to help bring the content devoted to gaming.

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