Mario Kart 8 Collab Video With Gameboy Finally Released!

Mario Kart 8 Blog Poster

The Mario Kart 8 Collaboration featuring Gameboy vs. Mr B.F.F is now available by for viewing! Things were very intense, especially for Mr B.F.F who hasn’t gotten the best of the races, winning only three, two in a Single 150cc round and guaranteeing first place with Gameboy as they tied. We’ll summarize the game in text for today’s Highlights.

First Victory Made in Mario Party Superstars Online by Mr B.F.F! Legendary Highlights…

History has been made for Mr B.F.F! He debuts in his first ever Online Game of Mario Party Superstars with his friend, Quintin who has made openings with Mr B.F.F in both Wii Sports Club and Nintendo Switch Sports online. They take their Online Crash Course to the next level. But on the Mario Party … Read more